In some ways this world we live in seems magical. But in other ways, it seems quite a bit blander. After all, it is that first delicious morsel of a wonderful dish meeting our anticipating tongues that imparts the most intense flavor. Each subsequent taste becomes more and more familiar until one finally becomes desensitized and uninterested in its flavor.
I sometimes feel that I have become desensitized to our world. Fortunately for me I have a fresh set of eyes (actually 3 sets) - Alex, Brandon and Colin (also known as Chaos, Confusion, and Calamity; Terror, Torture and Tyranny; See no evil, Hear no evil and Speak no evil - NOT; the Three Princes or simply A, B, and C). To them the world is still fresh and new, awesome and exhilarating. To them it is fun to wake up in the morning and a bummer to go to sleep at night. To them there is nothing better than a hug and a kiss and something sweet to eat.
Every day with them is a joy that I want to remember, even the little things. For this reason I have decided to keep this BLOG as a journal of the awesome little guys they are and as a sort of reflection on our days with them.
This is the story of the people who live at the Castle on Reynard Lane. I hope you will visit us often.
Eileen and all the guys (Dan, Alex, Brandon and Colin)
The Kelliher Family
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