It felt like forever when the four of them finally rushed into the house. Worried - "Mommy, are you ok? Oooh, it must hurt. I hope you feel better soon." Plenty of gentle hugs, kisses and deep looks of concern followed.
It turned out that I dug in pretty deep, just cutting the tendon that works all your fingers. The doctor said if I went any deeper I would probably have had some serious problems. Anyways, 9 stitches and 4 days later, I am back to riding, playing the piano and wall papering the guest bath - a glutton for punishment.
So, I guess the thing is, I think I 'm a good mother. But, I do often question how well I am doing. Sometimes I wonder, in 20 years what will my boys say I did to "screw them up". I guess only time will tell. But, in this small incident I find comfort that I am doing ok. In that moment, the boys - usually very much self-absorbed, as children are and should be - stopped asking for stuff and bickering with each other. They were, for a little while, caring, gentle, reassuring little men - 3 knights in feetie pajama.
And then, of course, there is Dan. Always my knight in shining armor. Yes, he did what any husband would do. But, this is a reminder to me how much I need him. I tend to act like I don't really need anyone for anything - I can get things done on my own. I like to think that I am strong and independent. But, the truth is, Dan is my strength. He makes me feel calm and safe. He takes care of my needs in a quiet, gentle way. Most of the time all I need is to look in his face and I feel better. But every once in a while I need someone strong enough to carry me without grunting. I love you Dan.
Ok. I know. I'm such a sap - so melodramatic. But, these are the poetic moments in my simple, stay-at-home life.
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