Nothing like a little illness to make you truly appreciate feeling well!
The last few days I have been practically swimming in vomit and diarrhea. It all started with Brandon puking and climbing silently into my bed in the middle of the night. I kept stirring in my sleep thinking I smelled something a little sour but too tired to fully wake up and find out if it was real or a dream. It was real. We found vomit in Brandon's bed the next morning. Luckily, it was a one time event. His illness crept in and out silently. The next evening Colin puked 4 times. But, I got lucky all 4 times. The first time he puked, he, unfortunately, puked red vomit (from cranberry sauce) in a huge, thick pile on my bedroom carpet (which is light beige). I say lucky because he was smart enough to bend over so as not to get any on himself (in other words I didn't have to give him a bath and/or wash thick, goopy puke out of his clothing). The second time he was sitting in an empty laundry basket. The laundry basket caught all of his vomit so I didn't have to clean the floor. Unfortunately, this time he was standing in it so a bath was definitely required. The third time we were sitting on the living room floor doing puzzles and he bent over and puked on the hard wood floor. Double lucky this time since he didn't get any on himself or me and it is easy enough to clean off the wood floor. The final time we were in the bathroom just about to take Mylanta for his upset tummy when he leaned over and puked on the bathroom floor. Easy clean up, a little on the toes of his feetie pajamas, but no bath needed. I would say I was lucky that time too!
While Colin was busy marking his turf, Dan, Alex and Brandon were at the Celtics game where Alex and Brandon were the "on the court kids". They returned early - Alex sitting in the backseat of the NEW minivan with a puddle of vomit in his lap and Dan bent over on the lawn hurling chunks. Dan puked 12 times that night. Alex puked 11 times. Alex was keeping close score over who was winning the puking game. I am not even kidding about this!!! Every time he threw up in the night he would ask how many times Daddy puked. In the morning when he found out Dad threw up 1x more than him, he managed to work up 1 more puke. Immediately after that he ate a bagel and hasn't puked since. As for me, I did not puked but I spent all of yesterday and the prior evening feeling seriously ill and sick to my stomach. I credit my ability to refrain from vomiting to 3 pregnancies during which I never threw up - I think I grew accustomed to feeling incredibly nauseous yet carrying on. Anyways, I slept through most of yesterday and feel great today.
The sun is shining and nobody has puked. It's a good day. The family that gets sick together, sticks together (literally)...Through Thick-n-Thin, Sick-n-Sin!
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