Monday, May 08, 2006

Party Time!!

Just so you know...I have been very disciplined in doing my 30 Minutes on the Machine. But some days my lists are just too boring to post.

Today I didn't really make a list but with summer quickly approaching I started thinking about our annual kid party. Every summer we throw a giant kid/family party for which we invite everyone we know that has kids. Last year summer got away from us and we didn'
t have a summer party but we had a kick-ass Halloween Party. The main events for the party were:

Spooky Bouncy House: We throw so many kid parties that we bought our own bouncy house. Best investment we ever made. I dressed the house up in ghostly attire and the kids bounced the night away.

Freakie Feelie Fun Hut: The activity in which you put common items in a bowl and the kids feel them - but they feel like freakie things - like peeled grapes for eye balls. I put the hut in a dark place and covered the table with white cobb webby stuff - I put a lamp in the middle opf the table with a black lightbulb so everything glowed eerily.

Monster Mania Dance Contest (in which I lit up the back yard with strobe lights...when all the kids got into a good dance groove and were properly mesmerized by the strobe lights I started tossing balloons down off the the balloons thinned out started throwing candy down. The first few pieces hit some kids - but when they figured out what they got hit with the candy frenzie began and noone cried)

Scavenger Hunt for candy and prized in the gully...I had each child bring a $5 toy and hid them in the swale. The swale is set apart from the main house so it is dark. Everyone had to bring a flashlight and search for the goodies.

Ended the night with Not too Spooky Fireside stories and marshmellow roasting

Other parties have included a Day at the Fair; Superhero Party (in which everyone dressed int heir favorite superhero costumes); Curious Creatures (where a guy came to our home and brought all kinds of creepy crawly critters including an aligator); Kiddie Boot Camp (just before school started)

This year I am thinking about ditching the kid party and having an awesome grown up party. I am going to send the kids off to grandmother and grandfather's house for a pajama party...and we grown-ups will have our own little PJ Party!! Everyone must come in their pajamas (or I will personally tear your clothes off and you will be left to party in you skivvies!!)

No feetie pajamas allowed! In fact, the man and woman with the most provacative attire will win a fabulous prize of some sort - maybe a night at some raunchy hotel;)

So, mark your calendars guys and gals...plan a trip to Massachusetts...and bring your PJs.

Date and Time yet to be determined.


Jas... said...

You are sooo imaginative! The things you come up with amaze me!

E said...

So are you coming?! I had another idea for the party - I am now thinking of having a College Throw-Back Party...Greek funneling...guys have to come dressed as meat head greeks and firls have to come a slutty sorority girls...Fun, Fun, FUN!! By the way, I was not greek in college...XXOOE

Jas... said...

Wow! Being that I'm in California, I would say I'm probably not coming, but I'll really be thinking of you!