Monday, June 12, 2006

Bizarre, bizarre

The most bizarre thing happened to me today.

I went to the grocery store to get a few quick things late this afternoon. The kids were home with the babysitter.

I got the items I needed, loaded them in the minivan and looked in the rear view mirror to back out of my parking spot.

All clear. No other cars were pulling in or pulling out. Noone was standing behind my car and there appeared to be no obstacles behind me (my ninivan has one of those little tv screens that let you see what is behind your car and it beeps if there is something there, beeping faster the closer you get).

I put the car into reverse and proceeded to back out of my spot. All of a sudden the sensor starts beeping alarmingly fast (which means you are millimeters from hitting something). I glance at the sceen - nothing there, glance in the rear view mirror - nothing there, and of course slam on my breaks...but it was too late. I felt my car bump something...heard my car hit something. Alarmed and startled I slammed the minivan into park an jumped out of it. I ran around to the back of the minivan to see what happened.

There was no car behind me, there was noone and nothing laying on the ground behind my car. So I looked up and down the row to see if whatever I hit was stopped just away from me. No car was anywhere in sight (other than the cars that were safely parked, unharmed, in their parking spots). I looked to see if perhaps there may be a shoping cart that rolled away upon impact from my minivan. There were no shopping carts other than the ones that were tucked in the shopping cart corral. Puzzled I knelt down to look under my car to see if, perhaps, whatever I had hit had rolled under my car. There was nothing under my car.

Still puzzled I looked up to the person who was parked in front of me and was loading her groceries when I was. I said to her, "Did I hit something?" She said, "It sounded like you did." I said, "I felt myself and heard myself hit something...and my car even went beep, beep, know, I have one of those reverse sensors that beeps when you are reversing into something - but I don't see what I hit." Puzzled we both looked around, looked under the car and looked at each other."

After soe further investigation and discussion, we decided that it was safe for me to pull away because there appeared to be nothing harmed.

We both hear me hit something. I felt myself hit something but nothing apeared to be hit.

What do you think happened?

Do you think I hit a ghost or a ghost car?!

Bizarre, bizarre...


Distant Timbers Echo said...

Absolutely. A ghost possibly! Or even an electro magnetic interference in the physical realm, causing the manipulation of air pockets to strengthen! Same thing happens to people when they're in bed and claim that they're being watched, then report that they can't move at all!

Greyhound Girl said...

Without being as technical as Red, I say ghost. OR the Fates are trying to tell you osmething...

Distant Timbers Echo said...

I know. I'm so geeky in a technical sort of way.