Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Barn on Fellows Road

I am at the barn on Fellows Road. I feel good and strong and energetic and content with life. I don't remember why I was there that day..maybe I was there to do some work...I don't think I was there for a hack or a lesson...but I was in the process of leaving the barn. The barn is qiuet. I am going about my business - tidying up the joint before leaving - putting away pitch forks, sweeping up... At some point someone shows up...we chat and eventually find ourselves in the tack room. It looks as it really is in real life - It is dingy but tidy (because I just tidied it this morning - in real life...I go to the barn on Sunday mornings to feed the horses and do some chores). There is little light, just the little bit of natural light that fiters in through the crawl space window. We become passionate. It feels delicious. We are kissing passionatly, we are caressing and deliciously aware of each other and of each touch. We are a tangle of arms and legs and heavy breathing, hot kisses and tongues wetly tasting every inch of each other. We are like starving people who have discovered food. I hear the crunching of gravel outside the barn. Someone is coming. I think it is Lowell. I mustn't get caught. My lover leaves the barn discreetly - still buttoning his jeans. I see now that it is Andre. Andre is the one guy that rides at our barn. We are a chick barn - all girls and ladies. We call him the "crazy Russian" guy. The ladies at the barn don't care for him. They all think he is a manic and that he mistreats the horses and he is going to get himself and/or the horses into serious trouble one of these days. But I don't think he is so bad. I like him but can only take him in doses because he is very intense. He has a strong will and strong opinions..but maybe it's just that Russian accent that makes him seem so intense...I actually think he is a softy...Anyways...He rides like a maniac and is always a litle bit out of control. I am the only one that is willing to go out on the trail with him. I guess I don't mind him because I can see that he is earnest...he has good intentions...but he is also foreign so sometimes it takes a moment longer for him to get what you are saying (even though he is extremely intelligent and is very fluent with the English language)...or he misses something in translation and everyone gets annoyed at him and think he is being rude...foreigners have a way of seeming air-headed because of this and I am very aware and understanding of this because my parents were foreigners and I've dealt with such challenges my entire life. I guess I also like that he is so fearless and abandoned when he rides(even though it can be scary hacking with him if he wants to be naughty - i.e. take off at full speed). I am always in control. Even when I am galloping...I am in control. By the way, I have ABSOLUTLY not sexual interest in Andre. But he is a nice looking man. Anyways. I am re-composing myself in the the tack room. I still don't see whoever was crunching the gravel...I figure they must not need anything in the tack room and wish Andre had not gone away...I wish we just stayed stilll and quiet for the moment. But I am nervous about being caught...Now I hear people coming in and out of the barn - everyone was heading over to horse show. I am not going to the show (I don't particularly enjoy showing - those days are behind I just do things for myself) Anyways. I am in the tack room. The light is on now - bright, flourescent lighting. I am now talking to some of the girls - the pre-teen girls that love talking to me...they love that I am grown up and wise in grown up ways but that I am "cool" - not an uptight, preachy mother type. Anyways...They are putting on their show clothes and gathering up their gear. I am eager for them to leave. I am talking casually with them about things they think are grown-up and helping them with their hair, etc like girls do...but really I am hastening them along because my lover said he would return when the barn settles down. I can hear more people outside the barn, puttting tack in the trailer and getting the horses onto the trailer. I walk around outside the barn, suddenly it is a large gravel parking lot (like at a horse show) and I see my "car" is Buddy. Buddy is the main schooling horse at the barn. He is the horse that makes everyone look good and that everyone trusts. He is steady and brave and trustworthy. I see his handsome, noble face and give him some love - snuggles and kisses...he loves it when I give him love. As I walk away I hear some voices of other show people...I turn to see the people near their own horse trailer, just next to Buddy - Buddy has the body of a brontasauraus?? (long neck, long body, long tail) but he has his own brown horse fur - he is a bay gelding . he is grazing on hay laziy and content. I walk back toward the barn and hope those poepole will disappear soon. I go back into the tack room and notice that there are 2 girls in the feed room (whcih is now a tack room too. The room is sunny and bright. The walls are bright yellow on the bottom and white on top...the feed room is actually, in real life, those colors but it is not sunny - it only has a very small crawl space window that the sun doesn't shine through because there is a bush in front of it.) One girl is sitting on a feed barrel pulling on her boots. The other is standing just behind her with her leg up and she is adjusting something. I go into the tack room, trying to act casual and hope they will leave soon. I am anxious for them to leave. I hope they don't know I am here and if they do I hope they don't want to chat with me. II fuddle around in the tack room, it is dim in there - just the littel bit of natural light filtering in through the crawl space window. I walk back over to the door to see if the girls are see if everyone is gone...I notice I am wearing my show clothes on top, black g-string panties and my riding pants. I even have my show gloves on. My hair is pulled back sleek and neatly in a low ponytail. I am surprised and wonder when I took my pants off and how long they have been off. I am going to put my pants on but decide to leave them off because my lover will be back...and I decide I look kind of sexy with mhy riding boots on. There is more waiting around, feeling anxious, being eager. I think he comes back at some point...but I think I willed him back because I think I realise I am dreaming.

End of dream.


Jas... said...

Oooh, very interesting!

Sweeping up a barn really suggests that you are currently "cleaning" up feelings in your unconscious. This coincides with the appearance of a lover whom you don't know. That usually says that you accept who you are currently and are happy with your situations.

However, the fact that you were interrupted, and that interruption really being the central point of your dream, it could be that these situations in your life that you're happy with, aren't going as quickly or as well as you'd like them to. Perhaps this would be a good time to try some other way of making them happen.

Love it! Jas...

E said...

Hmmmm...interesting analysis. ON the money as usual. Was hoping you would tell me why Buddy looked like a dinosaur. What did you make of me finding myself without pants on?

Jas... said...

I was aroused... or did you mean about the dream? Oh yeah! Okay, um...

Usually just wearing panties in dreams, even with a top, signifies a feminine quality to something. Think about what you were doing at the exact time you were wearing them. You were wearing them after your lover left, and while you were being interrupted. This could simply give a feminine quality to the situations that the dream is trying to convey.

Your horse, turning into a dinosaur is relatively simple in a way. Is this horse with you still or is he an older horse? Think about what he represents to you subconsciously and know that it is something that you no longer need to either worry over or carry around. It is old data that you have worked through and no longer need to think about. Let it go.


And I'm still aroused. Do you have pictures?

E said...

Pictures of who? my horse??;)