I think the boys are on another giant growth spurt. They have been eating NON-STOP for the past several days...and there's no end in sight.
Here is an account of what Alex, Brandon and Colin ate yesterday.
For breakfast they each had half a bagel with cream cheese. Alex and Brandon ate all but one or two bites. Colin took 3 bites and licked the cream cheese off. He gave the rest of his bagel to our dog, Blake. Upon finishing, the boys dispersed to get dressed and play while I cleared the breakfast mess and packed Alex's school bag.
About a half hour later Alex and Brandon ate an apple Toaster Struedel - all of it. Colin took two or three bites of his struedel and licked the frosting off. He gave the rest of the pastry to Blake. I told him not to give Blake his food. He cried. Apparently this was a hurtful thing for me to say to him. They dispersed to squeeze in a little play time while I cleared the struedel mess and ran upstairs to get dressed.
On the way to school they each ate a banana. Alex and Brand ate all of it. Colin ate two or three bites and squished the rest in his hand. The banana mess is still in the minivan.
After dropping Alex at school, Brandon, Colin and I went back to the house. Now Brandon wanted a slice of peanut butter toast. He ate all of it with a glass of milk. Colin wanted one too. I gave him a slice of peanut butter toast and decided this was a good time for me to finally pee. As I was leaving the dining room, I saw him licking the peanut butter off his toast. When I came back 2 minutes later the peanut butter toast was gone...all of it...every last crumb. So, I think he gave it to the dog. Colin was standing on his chair, in deep concentration. He was shaking his sippy cup upside down while simultaneoulsy pinching the nipple. He was watching the milk go split splat split splat onto the dining table. In the two minutes I was gone he had created a big runny lake of milk which was now streaming off the table onto my oriental rug. Fortunatly Blake was on hand to catch most of what dripped off the table.
The boys dispersed to play and I set about clearing the mess.
Later, Brandon made a special request for noodles with cheese. So I set about boiling pasta to make noodles drenched in butter and parmesan cheese. While the water was boiling Brandon also requested a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I told him I was making him the noodles that he specifically requested. He said he was going to eat both. I didn't believe him but I made him the sandwich anyways (I figured I could always feed the noodles for lunch or dinner). He ate the peanut butter and jelly sandwich including the crust. He left a couple strips of crust which Colin came along and gobbled up.
When the pasta was prepared I scooped three large spoonfuls onto two plates. Surprisingly, each devoured their entire plate. Brandon even had a second plate of which he ate all but a couple spoonfuls. Colin had two or three more pieces of pasta and "dropped" the rest on the floor. He looked up slyly and said, "Uh Oh." I told him, "I know you did that on purpose. Don't do it again." The boys dispersed to play while I cleaned up the mess.
A short while later they were rooting around, yet again, for another snack. So I offered them a bowl of strawberries. They shared this eagerly, dipping each succulent fruit into a bowl of sugar. They ate the entire bowl of strawberries..and licked up all the sugur too. They dispersed to play and I cleaned up the sugary, syrupy mess as I began to prepare myself psychologically for Alex's return home from school.
When Alex got home from kindergarten I offered him a plate of pasta. He said he wanted an egg salad sandwich...and a pickle. So I set about boiling eggs. In the meantime he ate the plate of pasta. When the sandwich was ready he ate half of it - no crust, plus a couple bites of the other half. He did not eat the pickle. He also ate two bowls of Cookie Crisp cereal. He drank all of the cereal milk plus had another full glass of milk. Brandon also had a bowl of Cookie Crisp but he didn't drink the milk and left a couple spoonfuls of cereal floating around. Colin came along and ate the rest of Brandon's cereal, the crust from Alex's sandwich and the pickle. They disperse to play while I set about cleaning up the lunchtime mess.
Moments later they were digging around the fridge for something more. Colin selected a yogurt cup. Brandon selected a piece of cheese which he cut into little strips (french fries) and Alex had a cup of apple sauce. They also had some pretzel rods which Colin dipped into his yogurt and Alex dipped into his apple sauce...Brandon played numchucks with his before chomping them down.
For the next 1 1/2 hours nobody ate anything but that was only because we all took a nap.
Upon waking Alex asked for a snack. I hadn't had my after-nap caffine yet so I said, "Yes. Whatever you want." He went to the pantry and retrieved a bag of fat-free oreo chips. Colin, upon spying the pantry door open, scurried over and grabbed himself a bag too. Brandon, who was downstairs, heard the ruffling of snack packaging and hussled up to get himself a goodie too. That and a cup of milk kept them happy and still for 5 minutes.
I drank my coffee and slowly woke up.
I brought them down to the playroom and turned on the tv before returning upstairs to clean up the post-nap snack. By the time I finished cleaning up the mess, they were properly mesmerized by the tube so I snuck outside for a butt. Upon returning, 5 minutes later, the boys came upstairs and wanted another snack.
I opened a bag of goldfish crackers and gave them each a juice box. This kept them happy for 5 minutes more. Brandon also wanted something sweet so he went into the freezer and grabbed a Hoodsie cup. He knew I would not approve so he immediatly put on a coy face and begged for it. I gave in. He also wanted sprinkles.
"Fine. Whatever."
Of course, now the other two wanted Hoodsies and sprinkles.
"Fine. Whatever."
This made them all very happy...down right giddy with cool, creamy delight.
Now there is drippy ice cream and colorful sprinkles all over the dining table.
The boys dispersed as I cleaned up the mess.
After cleaning up, I packed the respective bags for their afternoon pursuits - each bag included a snack and a drink. Brandon and Colin would go to Kids Club with Dan. I would take Alex to gymnastics.
On the way to gymnastics Alex ate a bag of Pirate Booty, nothing to drink. After gymnastics Alex had a juice box and a couple of pretzel rods in the car. We ran a few errands, one of which was picking up a few things at the grocery store. He asked for bananas and Rice Crispy Bars. I bought them for him. I also got myself a couple bottles of wine.
When we got home from gymnastics it was dinner time. I didn't feel like washing dirty pots and pans so I prepared Chef Salads for Dan and myself and Grilled Ham, Turkey and Swiss sandwiches for the boys. Alex ate 2/3 of his sandwich, no crust. Brandon ate 1/2 of his sandwich, including crust. Colin ate none of his sandwich - he slipped his under the table for the dog...but he ate Alex's crust. He also ate a bunch of grapes and the cheese and croutons from our salads. They all drank their milk and dispersed.
I set about cleaning up the dinner time mess.
By the time I had finished clearing and cleaning the table, washing and loading the dishes and reading the school mail, they were ready for another snack. They wanted something sweet. They wanted Rice Crispy Treats. Since they ate most of their dinner I conceded. Each had a whole Rice Crispy Treat and another glass of milk.
Now it was Colin's bedtime. He went to bed with a bottle of water. He was finished eating for the day and I wouldn't have to feed him again until about 4:00 am when he typically cries out for a bottle of milk.
One down, two to go...
When I came down from putting Colin to bed, Alex wanted another snack. He asked for an apple with peanut butter. I was pleased with his choice and said, "Good choice." He said, "Apples are good for loose teeth, right? How much do you think the Tooth Fairy will give me if I eat this whole apple?" Grrrr. "The same amount as if you didn't eat the whole apple."
Brandon didn't want anything. But a short while later I saw Brandon scurrying past me. He was trying to sneak another Rice Crispy Treat. I stopped him short and told him to put it back. He threw a tantrum - big wet tears and all. I told him he could have some fruit, cheese, yogurt or crackers. He didn't like those choices. He threw himself on the floor and rolled around, protesting loudly and wetly. I told him, "Why don't you just go to sleep right now. That way you won't think about Rice Crispy Treats anymore." He said, "But I'll dream about them." "Tough luck. Like it or lump it. Stop tantrumming or you're going to bed right now." He stopped his fit and chose cheese and crackers. He built a very tall tower with them and ate most of it before "spilling" them on the floor. Blake was there waiting, patiently to gobble up the morsels that fell from the table. Thank you Blake for clearing the mess. The boys dispersed to squish in a few more minutes of play before bedtime.
It is finally bedtime. I take Alex and Brandon upstairs to get ready for bed. They wash their faces and brush their teeth. They put on their jammies and we read a story. Upon finishing the story they ask for a snack. I say, "No. You just brushed your teeth and it is sleeping time, not eating time. You can have water."
They contest.
"But I'm starving. I haven't had anything to eat in forever!"
[eyes glazed over]
Jesus. Growing boys, you know.
I loved how you peppered it with: They dispersed and I cleaned up the mess. Funny as hell!
Haha...Yeah...it's really funny cleaning up the mess while they disperse and play;P Such is motherhood...Hey...new glasses? XOE
Like 'em? He was getting blind and running into walls.
Don't you get to the point where you just want to open all the cupboard doors and the fridge and just let them go for it? Even the little one will get his, and the dog will be fine! Just duck and cover...and after they disperse, clean up the mess. Love you girl!
Hi Prof! Yes! Open all the cupboards and doors...and "run awaaaay"....yeesh - that is a scary thought...
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