Brandon is such a funny kid. There are so many quirky things about him. But he is particularly fond of clothing. Actually, he is clothing obsessed.
As you might recall he went through a peculiar phase this winter of wearing multiple layers of clothing at all time (see “Peeling Layers”). I’m glad to report that he has given up most of his layers…now he only wears 3 or 4 layers at a time. But he still remembers that I store clothes away in the attic. Whenever he sees the opportunity, he sneaks up to the attic and retrieves some more clothes. It doesn’t matter the size…he grabs clothes that are too big for him (stored away for his future use) and clothes that are too small for him (stored away for Colin’s future use). His drawers are overflowing with clothes and he continues to change his attire several times a day, but he has gotten significantly (although not perfectly) better at not turning all his clothes onto the floor (just his worn underwear, dirty socks and a few articles of clothing).
The other day Brandon noticed that Dan was wearing something different.
He asked Dan, “Daddy, is that a new shirt?”
Dan said, “No, I just haven’t worn it in a while.”
Brandon lowered his voice to secretive hush and said, “Did you get it from the attic?”
He's darling. Seriously!
Maybe he was deprived of clothing or something in a former life, some reason possibly that he should want them so badly in this one? Hm...
Thanks. he is wicked cute...I think maybe he was a dog in a prior life...he has now taken to peeing on the floor (no not missing the toilet...like on the floor in the bedroom...or the playroom). I asked him why he did it and he said he didn't know why. THe only thing I can think is that he may have been watching tv and didn't want to miss anything??
Oh god I'm so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that lol I busted out laughing so hard lol I love kids. I want ten. Or two. Let's go with two. lol
Absolutely adorable kiddo... Can I borrow him for the weekend? lol We have TONS of clothes here :oD lol Such a cutie pie.
Hi Lil! I would have to say go with the 2 kids...when I first had Colin (#3) I thought, "What the heck is everyone talking about that the thrid one puts you over the edge...this is easy. THis is great"...Now that he is a toddler I cans see why they say #3 puts you over the edge! I'm hangin on for dear life!!! XXOOE
That's what my Dad told my Mom when they decided to have my little brother. He said, "That was fun! Let's have another!"
Ay Karumba.
I love him! I love that story! Oh.MY.GODDESS- that is a great- what a little charm. I want 4 more just like him! Leenie- what a blessing!
Hi Prof! Well...I have 2 more almost like him...care to bid? Haha jus kidding. Not for sale...but I'll let you borrow him for a night;)
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