Friday, May 05, 2006

Free Stuff

Dan has a fetish.

What is it?

The man loves...I mean LOVES free stuff.

Normally he is an easy-going, jovial guy. But when there is free stuff involved, his eyes blaze with lusty desire and he becomes ruthlessly driven and shameless greedy.

He will take anything if it is free...he will even pay for stuff if he gets something for free.

He has a subscription to Sports Illustrated that he bought for the "free" NFL Championship T-shirt and video tape. He never reads the a matter of fact, as soon as it comes in the mail I throw it right into the trash so it doesn't take up my valuable kitchen counter space.

He also has a subscription to ESPN magazine that he doesn't read...I don't remember what he got for "free" but I'm sure it's crap.

Oh, and he has that subscription to Men's Health magazine which he subscribed to in order to get the free Sexual Tips manual. But, I found out today that he actually does read this magazine. Know how? Well, today when he came home from work I leaned toward him to give him a little kiss. We had a short, sweet, uncomplicated kiss...and then he did this funny little pat, pat, pat thing on my back. I laughed and was like, "What was with that pat, pat, pat thing?" He said, "I read in Men's Health that non-sexual kisses help lower blood pressure and anxiety. They say that getting kisses with expectations causes stress and anxiety." We both chuckled and went about our business still thinking about that. So anyways, he does read Men's Health.

Anyways...he also has this obnoxious collection of T-shirts. He must have about fifty t-shirts (and would have more if I didn't periodically throw a few out)...and about half of them are shirts that he got free from someplace or for something.


I don't really care too much if he wears free t-shirts and free baseball caps. But I hate it when he clutters our home with ugly, stupid free toys...and I especially hate it when he brings home free cups...of any sort - mugs, pilsners, glasses...I hate them all! They are ugly and tacky!! UGLY and TACKY Dan! I don't care if they are FREE.

I don't know why he loves to get free stuff so much. I guess it's the idea of getting something for nothing. He probably feels like he has to work so hard to get everything that when he gets stuff for free it's just really awesome. But...I really REALLY HATE FREE STUFF!!! They're always Ugly and Tacky!

Actually, I did get a little freebie of sorts today.

I was walking around the yard, surveying my gardens when I spied something shooting out of the ground beside my beloved weeping cherry tree. Went I stooped down to inspect the offending shoot I discovered it was a tiny little weeping cherry tree. My darling cherry had sprouted a little baby.

"Awe...Congratulations ol' girl."

Suddenly my eyes set ablaze with lusty desire and shameless greed. I reached down, wrapped my fist around it's tender little stalk and yanked it from the ground...roots, mulch and clumps of dirt. I carried it ruthlessly up into the courtyard and plunked it onto the ground. I was delirious with delight. I ran to get my shovel and grabbed a bag of soil. Like a woman possessed I dug a hole for "my pretty" and replanted it in the corner. "Wa hahhhaaaahaaa!!" I got a free tree today!!!

So, I guess there are some things that are nice to get for free sex...

Dan, if you want anymore free sex from me, don't bring home anymore free stuff!


Distant Timbers Echo said...

Doesn't matter if it's free or not, Leeniegirl. There's always a price. Even if it's your space!


I have fetishes too, though. So I can't say too much!

E said...

Mornin' Jasy Boy. So...what's your fetish??? Besides the feet. I don't think I have any fetishes...I have "things" - like I have a thing about forearms.

Ms. Lori said...

Leenie, we are WAY too much on the same wavelength -- I posted on my blog this morning about free stuff. Well, sorta. I was contacted by some folks representing an entertainment company that's putting out a horror dvd later this month, and they're going to send me a free one for my helping promote the flick.

Free stuff rocks.

Greyhound Girl said...

leeniedarlin', I totally agree. Buying something to get the free thing? What is that all about?!? I say, save the money or let me buy shoes! And I despise the free drinkware- Tacky is right!

And Jas, do tell us about your fetishes... All this talk about footware of late mean anything special?

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Well, ladies, I never talked about them because I thought it would be boring. I have two. The foot thing, well that's just innocently fun so I'm never too embarrased to talk about it. But the second one is a very hot ignition point in my brain and I must protect it like a crystal heart! Maybe sometime I'll reveal its secret, but I'm pretty bashful about it!

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Prof - Footwear does nothing for me, strangely enough... unless it's removed!

E said...

Hi Prof...Save the money and let me buy shoes...I like the way you think!!!

Jasy your other can't say something like that and not finish!!!It's just not fair!!!

E said...

Hi Cuppie - We really are psychic friends, aren't we?!! So, what do you you think it's gonna be a good movie? If it's not, you just paid 2 hours for a "free" dvd;)...time is money, ya know...and you know me, I only like love stories. I watched Tristan and Isole this weekend. Good story - a lot of fighting...that got a little boring. Was a good flick but not a fav. By the way, where the hell do you find all these really cool writing gigs???!!!!

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Okay, maybe one of these days I'll tell you... But you'll laugh about it!

E said...

Jasy...I would NEVER laugh at you...I'll laugh with you...but never at you.