Sunday, May 14, 2006


I am sitting at the piano - which is an upright and against the wall in my living room near the sliding lgass door (but in real life I have a grand piano centered in the back half of the living room). I am trying to play but I my fingers won't work. I am so angry and frustrated because my father's (who in this dream looks like Harrison Ford, the young Harrison) girlfriend is here (she looks like a pretty young actress that I've seen in some movies but I don't know her name) and I want to make her feel small - make her see how good at the piano I am. I hate her I HATE HER!! I HATE HER!!!! I am fuming with rage. Dad is just on the other side of the sliding door with my siblings (who in this dream are Alex and Brandon) and her. He is grilling some burgers. I HATE HER!!! I am so enraged by her I start screaming and throwing an unbelieveable tantrum. I am so jealous of her. I am threatened by her. But in my dream my love for my father feels like being in love - not the kind of love one has for a father but for a boyfriend. I am banging the keys and banging them and making a terible racket btween my screaming and pounding but every once in a while I slow down and try to play something prettily again. Colin is standing by the piano with me. He is looking up at me dolefully with his big round eyes and he is sucking on a freeze pop, I think it was red. I think she gets scared off by me - she feesl bad that she is causing all she leaves. Dad tries to get her to stay. I know she's coming back. Dad goes back to grilling and tries to ignore my fit. I want him to come to me and comfort me but he refuses to give in to me. He is not gettting mad he is just merrilly grilling. He is determined not to let me get under his skin and not to let me ruim this thing with her for him. I am still slamming the piano and occassional trying to play it but the keys get jammed up - like the way an old fashioned typewriter gets jammed up when you type too fast. The last 2 lower octaves are the keys that have jammed like a typewriter .and the white key pads on these particular keys are all worn and faded and some have fallen off. The rest of the keyboard still loks fresh but have gone askew so they are broken too. I feel so bad that I did this because he worked so hard to buy this for cost a lot of money...and I waited a very long time to have a nice piano. I know she's coming back so I am still trying to ge my playing back together but I'm playing horribly. All the while A+B are on the deck with D and asking him why is she acting that way...why is she so angry...aren't you going to do something. She comes back. She is at the front door. I jump up from the piano and run to the door. I want to get there before him so I can make her leave. I want to beat the crap out of her. I HATE HER SO MUCH!!! I am furious she is here and Dad loves her....but dad is in the front hallway ahead of me. He is just about to reach the door so I start screaming at him how I hate him IHATE HIM and I HATE HER! He turns and says try not to be angry...I'll get used to her... there is nothing I can do about it. Try to understand. I am hurting his feelings but he is not getting angry - he understands. I scream through blinding tears why do you need her?! Why aren't I enough for you?! So then get out! Get out of here! And I push him forward toward the door that is wide open. The storn door is closed but the glass is not in it so I push him out the door, through the storn door and into her. He is resisting and I get some satisfaction in the fact that he didn't go willingly and that he seems to care even though he wont bend to my will to leave this girl. I am crying and screaming hysterically. I run up the stairs to my room and slam the door shut. I am screaming and crying hystericaly and I want my father to come up to me. I want her to leave. I want my dad all to myself. I am so filled with rage.

I don't remember how the dream jumped into this next phase and this section is very hazy - I don't recall a great deal but I think I am running away from home. I am in the woods. I am walking angrily, sulkingly, mopingly down a path. I can still feel my hurt and longing with such intensity. It is sunny out. It is not hot or cold. The trees seem a bit bare - like it is autumn but I don't think it is autumn - I feel like it is early summer. I am walking down a slight hill. I remember meeting someone along the way I once knew (I don't remember who). I get the feeling it was someone I didn't really want to see - or someone I didn't really like that much... I remember crossing a bridge over a trickling brook. I think I hung oiut on the bridge for a while - looking over it, contemplating what has happened. I decide to turn around and go back. I see that person off to the left...I don't want her to see me so I hurry along. I think I trip and she comes voer. We exchange some words...don't remember what but I think we walk a little bit together but I really just want to be left alone with my thoughts. Going back was up hill, a rather high hill...still dirt path through woods/trees.

That's all I remember and I think I woke up soon after.

1 comment:

Jas... said...

You know, TT, that if this was a real life situation, you would probably be thrown in jail! [laughing]

But it makes for a very intense message as a dream!

When you're a little girl, your father is your protection, your security in life. And to lose some of that love to a woman who isn't your mother is traumatic and you feel like your life is in jeopardy. You fear that jeopardy, and because of it, you have a choice: To embrace it and grow stronger, or reject it all and lose it.

It is most likely that you feel something is threatening the security of your life. And you see that nothing can stop it. Perhaps (the glass door signifies accessability to others) the something you fear is meeting others.

Your father and siblings are all outside the glass door where your piano is situated. The piano is becoming broken as the dream moves on and you cannot play it no matter what you do.

This may signify that the harmony in life you wish for is starting to fray, or perhaps you just can't see it, and the security you enjoy is not there with you.

It is fear that you dread, and so the gentle force that your father exudes is not enough to help you relax. You push him through your front screen door, breaking it and further releasing any hope of protection in your life that you have over nothing more than the fear you have that you'll lose him in the first place.

By fearing to lose that security, you drove it away when all you had to do was go out through the back door with your father and you siblings and embrace them. The girlfriend wasn't the problem, she represented a fear you have.

Go out, meet others, don't feel guilty and above all, embrace the self-security you have inside you as a human being that everything, and I mean EVERYthing, will be just fine. Have no fear.