So here I am a Paleastra again for the third time this week. Gymnastics is on Wednesday afternoons so immediately after gymnastics I rush home, feed the kids and head out the door with Dan for Date Night (actually we only go out every few weeks now, but tonight is a date night).
I am sitting here amongst all the other gymnastics moms. They are all haggered and tired and messy looking. I am showered and fresh and pretty. I am wearing a super feminine, chocolate brown dress wtih little white dots. It has a broad open chest and flatters my smooth, sumptuous chest. I am wearing coral red high heeled shoes with gold weaved into the red fabric. They wrap around the ankle and accentuate the taper of my long legs. I feel pretty and super feminine. I am getting a lot of caddy looks from the other mothers...and a lot of admiring side glances from the fathers. I don't care. I feel good and that's all that matters.
I don't always look this nice but I do try to look nice most of the makes me feel good. I think everyone should make more of an effort to look really doesnt take much more time to look nice than to look grungy. Instead of throwing on a dingy t-shirt and worn sweat pants throw on a cute top and stylish jeans. That's it. I don't have time to look good is bullshit. A good friend of mine (who happens to be the least vain person on earth) once said, "A little vanity goes a long way". I agree.
Anyways. I as you know I am going through something of a personal crisis...aging. I'm sure I have at least 5 good years left...maybe 10 if I take care of myself. The last 10 years flew by. I mean REALLY FLEW! So I have decided that I am going to really, consciously appreciate my beauty while it lasts. I am not going to take for granted my taught, smooth, natural glowing skin and my firm, lean womanly body.
So this past weekend, being Memorial Day Weekend, we attended a few cookouts and hosted one ourselves. We ate a lot and drank even more...margaritas were practically being pumped into our veins intraveniously.
As does often happen when people drink a lot, conversations turned to the frisky side. Its all good and fun...harmless and then we all go home horny and have awesome sex with our spouses.
Anyways, one of our friends introduced me to a new acronym.
Ever heard of it?
M-I-L-F...stands for "Mother Id Like to F".
Our friend told me I was a MILF!
I laughed so hard!
Thanks Jake. It's just what my aging ego needed.
I love it when people say shocking things to me. I like to give people a mild shock now and's a little hobby of mine. But it is rare that anyone ever shocks me back.
Go ahead. Shock me...I dare U.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
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Goodness! You can't be shocked, huh? That somehow seems like it should be intimidating. However, I've got stories that might shock you but they're not something a gentleman would tell a lady unless asked.
Oh, I talked with Dan over the IM this weekend. Hell of a nice guy!
I don't think it is possible for me to shock anyone...
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