I just got up from my afternoon nap. I had the most delicious dream. So delicious that when Colin cried out to let me know he was awake, I kept my eyes closed as I gathered him up and brought him downstairs to watch tv with his brothers so I could return to hopefully finish my dream - or at least lie around and think about it some more.
It took place at some seaside resort. It's summer time. For some reason the plane cannot land in the resort (which is a weird place to land anyways) and they have to land on the water. I can see th resort off in thedistance about 10 miles. There is an island (more like a dock) we are motoring around, I can feel the heaviness of the plane as it wakes the water around it and the island. The plane/now a boat (like the kind you take pleasure trips down the canal on vacations - sightseeing type boat), has stopped and everyone is getting off. I am vacationing alone. People didn't know we were making a water landing. They look out the window and see the resort across the water and are incredulous that they landed here and that they will have to somehow get across the water to the resort. The pilots and resort crew are here and telling people there are little boats that will take them to across the way. Now everyone is excited and happy. There is a cute young guy who is giving me attention. He has dark, short hair that is a little longish and curls at the ends. He is tall and lean - Abercrombie/Jcrew looking. He is directing people where to go and he puts his hand on my lower back. I feel that delicious, warm liquidy feeling of arousal and I feel giddy knowing that he purposeely put his hand on my back. He is now demonstrating how to use a machine and he knows I am watching now. I am extemely turned on by his knowledge and assuredness and by the confidence he instills in the people around him. I enjoy watching him do his thing. And I can't wait to get near him again. Another guy - handsome, older, more like my age, late 30s or early 40s, also works there, tall, taller than the brunette, lean, he has sandy hair a little receading but not badly, longish face, strong jaw, strong eyes, hazel, a little rugged looking but his eyes speak intelligence. He checks me out and approves but seems to know there is something between the Abercrombie guy and myself. So he says to the boy why don't you show her how to use it - meaning give her a personal tutorial. When the brunette stands up to make room for me he is suddenly very geeky - plaid shirt, hair slicked sideways,clutching a book to his chest, glasses, kind of scrawny and meek and unsure of himself now. I become disinterested and I turn my attention back to the older guy. His name is Tim. He didn't tell me that - I just know it. He gives me a lesson. I sit in this thing - that is sort of like a boat sitting in a well of water - between his legs. I feel the heat of his body against my back and his strong legs and arms wrapped around me. My long delicate hands are engulfed by his large, masculine hands as they guiding mine on the steering wheel. His face is in my neck as he gives me instructions - gently, assuredly - he has a nice voice - masculine, not too deep, comforting. I can feel his warm breath on my ear. He smells good...no particular smell that I can pinpoint - just smells good. I guess warm and masculine. I want to put my face in his neck. I am savouring this delicious feeling of awareness. He shows me how to move the boat and I can feel the water waking with the craft. I am excited and exhilerated by the action and by his control and mastery over the craft. We are making the boat take large wide swooping turns that force out bodies against each other. He puts and arm around my middle as if to support me (but I know it's just an excuse to hold me. I don't want the ride to end. But someone is telling us it's time to get going. Now we are heading to where the little boats are that are going to take us to the resort. They are yellow, blow-up things. I'm thinking Tim and I are going to ride in one together - again with him at my back and controlling the craft. I am excited and eager for the ride. But it turns out that the vehicles are only single seaters. When I go to jump into one, the young guy, now not geeky anymore - back to his Abercrombie look and shirtless, jumps in. He wants me to jump in with him. But I tell him there's no space so he looks at the boat next to him as if to say get in that one but just then someone else jumps in. So I look for another boat. They are all almost take now. I hurry down the dock and there are a couple left. But they look different. I'm not sure if I can take these. They look like 2 seaters. I look up to see if I can see Tim to ask if I can take one of these. He is busy, looking serious, getting everyone ready and in order. He glances at me through the side of his eyes. He has that look when you are in love with someone - his eyes are smiling at me and he looks lighter. He is very aware of my presence while he is seriously talking and giving orders. I again feel that delicious liquid feeling - I just want to run up to him and put my body against mine and smell him. But I stay where I am and try to determine if I can take one of these boats. I try to get in one and it is too deflated. I decide to go back to where the other boats are. Tim is now in the vicinity. God, his authority is such a turn on. I love watching him in action and love how he is so focused but he is so aware of my presence. He tells me to wait a minute. He will take me there after everyone else. He says it in an authoritative, serious voice - you know, because he is working and he shouldn't be whooing a woman while he is working - but his hands meet my arms unneccesarily. I am excited and I love the attention. So everyone leaves and I am wandering around the place, exploring while I wait. I am inside someplace now. It is very dark and musty. It looks like an opera house. I can hear Tim's voice echoing someplace inside. He is talking to some people but again, I know he is very aware of my presence and trying to be professional but he really just wants to ditch those people and come to me. I'm exploring. It is dusty and dank and cool in here. Finally he comes to fetch me. We flirt. I see a piano and want to impress him. So I open one up and start to play the Fantasia-Impromptu by Chopin - the piano is very out of tune and mute sounding. I forget how it goes after the 2nd line. I'm embaressed. so I say the piano is bad and move on to another piano thinking if I start again and not think about it the notes will come. This time I can remember how it goes but the piano keys fling off - it is badly broken. So I laugh and give up but notice there is another piano with a light and some music on it. I can play just about anything with music so I try to play. The notes are very high, lots of chords and I would have to figure out where to start...but I just attack the piece and hope I can get the jist of it without looking foolish. Somehow, miraculously my fingers find the right notes. Tim puts his arms around mine as if to play along with me - but I know he can't play. I can feel his face in my neck - delicious feeling again. He closes his eyes a moment as he inhales my scent. But the then the piano is again in need of repair so I give up. We are laughing and talking intimately. I am enjoying his presence. Then a black guy in a tuxedo comes in - top hat and all - looks like he's going to give a concert - he has a giant white smile and jolly eyes and deep throaty, benny goodman voice. He says something to me, I say the pianos are all broken. I expect him to start playig something jazzy but when ee sits down at the piano with the light and starts playing I recognize it. It is a Chopin piece...a very simple prelude. He doesn't know I play too. He says isn't it beautiful - then he says the name of the piece - I say, yes it's a chopin piece that I played as a child. He says no its ---- the name of the piece - I say, yes, that's the name of the piece but the composer is chopin...and continues along like he is a concert pianist - and I am annoyed because he thinks I can't play - so I find a piano and want to play the Fantasia so he can see how I play - but there is only a giant organ with broken keys. So I say who cares and turn to Tim and we begin to walk out to go to the resort. I know he is staying there too.
This is when Colin wakes me up.
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Packed with symbols.
Landing in water.
The men, including Top Hat at the end.
The attention.
The geeky persona that turned you off.
The broken pianos.
All trying to show you something. I love this idea for a blog, Leenie! I might think about doing this someday.
what's the symbolism of landing in water? Give me your dream analysis - I'm interested...and curious to know what you dream about...XOE
Well, water in dreams is the symbol of emotion, or spirituality. To land on water in a vessel could mean that you either are or need to stay on top of your emotions, or that you are in control of them.
The three men in your dream slightly balance each other, the two men who you were flirting with and the one whom you didn't. The two men you were fliting with were in control of their situation, and you liked it. The man with the top hat seemed to mirror your more dark side, as it were. At the same time you were showing Tim your piano skills because you knew he couldn't play, the man in the top hat was showing you HIS piano skills and you had a feeling that he THOUGHT you couldn't play. Only it was making you mad. I wonder if Tim felt the same way, but that's neither here nor there!
When Tim showed his geeky persona earlier in the dream, it was a complete turn off for you. Tim himself could be an aspect of you, or your world. Nerds in dreams sometimes signify a feeling of being overlooked or inferiority. It could be that when the other guy was there, Tim took on the persona of a geek because he felt inferior. Is there any aspect in your life that you could attribute that to?
As for the pianos, they represent a harmony of life or spirituality. The out of tune piano might suggest that you have something out of balance in your life. The fact that there were three of them really means something! Where were they? Were they all on stage? That could mean that the problem lies around the center of your life.
The piano with the light, that Top Hat played so well and made you kind of angry could mean that you are not happy at all with the current situation, even though it may seem to be a balanced and happy one.
Anyway, hope that helps! Remember, everything right down to the color of the sky is a symbol in dreams. Love ya!
I might share w/ you dreams that I have if I can ever start recalling them again. There was a time in my life when I kept a journal, but it got so detailed that I couldn't sleep at night because I spendt the entire night writing down the dreams I had. Pages and pages of detail. I stopped after a while from fatigue alone! But maybe I'll start back up again soon.
Wow!! Do you read palms too?!
A bit [laughing], but I'm not a master by any means.
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