Thursday, April 27, 2006


I had a really disturbing dream but I can't recall all the details of it anymore...I waited too long to write it down. But here's the just of it...Are you paying attention Jas?

Black guy, he did something - I don't remember now what he did but I get the feeling that it was not a crime but something that was perhaps not socially normal or accepted. I am not involved - I am like a spectator - but not an audience, just kind of like an angel. I feel really sad for this guy and want to stop this injustice. Actually I feel quite furious about the injustice and scared for what is about to happen to him. I feel sad for how he must feel right now - besides being scared - he must feel so hurt. A group of people (I think they were all men, a small group maybe like 5 guys) get him and drag him struggling into a barn - a big, lofty barn. They say they are going to _____??? him. Basically, cattle tie him and shove something up his ass. They tie him up with rope - legs and arms pulled up behind him - like the way they tie cattle but backwards. He is naked, tied up in the position. I am feeling desperate for him - trying to will the guys not to do what they are doing and to understand the injustice of their mindset and the inhumanity of their actions. The black guy is hysterical - scared, crying, begging them not to do this to him. They are laughing, taunting, self-righteous. The leader guy is wearing blue plastic gloves and he is preparing a blue thing to shove into the black guy. I notice he is not using any lubricant and I am further horrified.

I wake up with an aweful feeling.

What the heck does this dream mean?!!! Please tell me I am not a pervert or dormant psycho...

1 comment:

Jas... said...

People seldom play themselves in dreams. The fact that you were an "observer" could be exactly that. Either your mind was showing you something it wants you to know, or you actually saw this happen in a literal sense, whether over another time and place or whatever. Most likely, this was something that was symbolic instead of an actual occurance. You mentioned the rubber gloves, something modern. That would rule out you seeing something that had happened in a past life and since there aren't too many black men in this day and age treated like this, I would go with symbolism.

The barn, first of all, represents in most dreams, your subconscious mind. If you ever see a house, or are inside a house, it represents the conscious mind and each of its rooms represent aspects of your life. But a barn is your subconscious. Was it new, old and dusty, freshly painted? Was there anything in it like grain or hay or livestock? All these things will tell you the state of your subconscious mind. Just because it's empty doesn't mean you having nothing going on up there! It means that you are holding back something, or going against your natural instincts or good judgement.

As far as symbology in the dream, this is the second nightmare you've had in which a black man has played a role. That means something. What do black men mean to you, subconsciously, do you think? That determines the central theme in this dream. Does a man who is black represent fear to you? Mystery? An emotion?

Did his nakedness disgust you or were you not affected by that? If you were not, then you accept what he represents to you without any qualms. If you were repulsed by it, that's another matter you can ask me about.

What he represents to you is very important. Meditate on it if you can, or ask your inner self what that man meant.

The color blue usually represents spiritual energy or depression, and it's interesting that both the tool one of the men was using and his blue gloves were blue.

The fact that he was going to push the blue tool up "into him" could mean that whatever the black man represents to you, that particular symbol or aspect of your life is uptight, anal retentive so to speak, and needs to be let go of or relaxed.

His hands and feet tied by rope behind him is a symbol of holding back.

It is possible that your subconsious mind is trying to tell you that you are holding something back that needs to be relaxed or let go of or brought to the surface, a repressed feeling or thought that needs to be dealt with. Whatever this man represents to you (not necessarily a person, but a symbol that could be anything at all), is a part of your inner being that you need to face honestly and deal with.

Hope that helped! I dabble in Tarot, if you'd like me to do a reading for you.
