Friday, March 31, 2006

20 Questions

In no particular order:

1. Why do dogs spin around before finally laying down in a spot?

2. Why is it that I am the one who cleans the toilets in our home when I am the only one that never misses?

3. On Teletubbies this morning there was a little girl drawing a turkey. When she drew on the gibbly thing that hangs from its chin, I thought it looked like a limp penis...does that make me a pervert?

4. ...and talking about Teletubbies...what is scarier, Teletubbies or Boobah?

5. If chocolate causes the body to produce the same chemical as sex, then how much chocolate does one have to eat to have an orgasm?

6. What the heck is Colin saying???

7. Where is Waldo?

8. Who is Waldo?

9. Why do cows and horses smell so different...they basically eat the same thing.

10. Why do siblings have to drive each other crazy all the time? It's driving me Crazy!

11. Why isn't the word "blood" spelled "b-l-u-d"...doesn't "b-l-o-o-d" really spell blue-d?

12. Where did the word eubonics come from?

13. Who is that lady that wanders around downtown chain smoking and what is her story?

14. Why is it that children have so much damn energy and adults do not...wouldn't it make more sense the other way around?

15. Why did mother nature decide that babies should wake up a thousand times in the night...isn't the newborn stage when parents need sleep the most?

16. When a telemarketing professional recieves a telemarketing solicitation, do they hang up on the solicitor?

17. Why can't we all just get along?

18. Who was that crazy-ass person who first looked at a wild horse and thought it would be fun to catch an animal that weighs over a ton and try to ride it around? (but thank you for doing so)

19. Would you rather be a piggy wig or a wiggy pig?

20. Where is our escape hamster Loco is hiding?

Please enlighten me so I can get some sleep.


Ms. Lori said...

Regarding number three, yes. But damn, it made me laugh out loud! ;-)

And you lost your hamster?! Put out a dish of food and it'll come out of hiding. We've got two hamsters and two mice, so I know of what I speak.

Well, unless it got outside somehow and was eaten by a cat. In that case, I'd suggest buying another hamster.

E said...

...and she painted the thing that only made it worse!

I'll try the dish of food...but there are so many crumbs lurking in the playroom that I can't imagine the bugger would be very hungry...actually, there are more than just crumbs down there - in the words of my dear late father-in-law, "you could make a meal out of that"!...

Ms. Lori said...

Okay, you're pretty much screwed, then. ;-)

E said... you think if I got a girl hamster Loco would come out of hiding??