Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Alex is known for saying clever things...I don't think he realizes how clever he is...it just comes out.

Here is his latest...

I love to give my boys big, wet, smooshie kisses. Recently when Alex wiped off the goo I asked him, "Are you wiping it off, or rubbing it in?" He said, "Wiping it in". Good answer kid!

While I'm on the topic of Alexisms...

At the young age of 3 he came up with the question..."why do they call butterflies butter-flies? They should call them flutterflies"

...also some years ago...probably in year 3, one night when Dan and I were going out for a date Alex described it as, "going to do cheers and kisses" aka get drunk and make out.

I wish I had been keeping these things written down...there have been so many brilliant Alexisms throughout the years but I can't think of anymore at this moment.

Brandon did something really cute just yesterday that I meant to jot down but I already forget what it was...crap. Gotta be better and more prompt about getting these things down.

You guys are do cute...I guess the effects of Disney are finally wearing off and I'm noticing how cute and good you guys are again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The developing mind of a child is fascinating...The literal way they pick up on the littlest details and nuances as they grow and explore the world (as adults we become desensitized and jaded)...Although he may not know it - Alex is amazingly clever and expressive in his choice of words. Move over Webster's Dictionary - here comes the "Book of Alexisms"!