Friday, March 17, 2006

At this moment I am really wanting to sleep.

Sleep is always a challenge for me. It usually takes me forever to fall asleep and then when I do fall asleep I am usually interrupted by someone or something.

This evening sleep found me very quickly - but as does often occur, I was woken by one of my children wanting to sleep with me - this time Brandon.

I don't mind so much when Brand wants to sleep with me. He is so little and cute and doesn't take up too much room and doesn't move around too much - but he does have pointy elbows. Now my restless legs have kicked in...a terrible affliction - really...not life threatening but horribly inconvenient and I decided to get up and do something.

Usually I would take a drink or small snack and walk around a bit - but I have to take a fasting blood test tomorrow so food is out of the here I am.

So I logged onto the computer and found one of my favorite Blog friends G has been visiting with me. I guess he watched a movie that got him thinking about life and worried about having wasted his.

This is something I think about a lot too. I think that is really why I keep this a way of investigating what it is that I really want to accomplish in life...or what it is that I do/have accomplished in my life. I often wonder how/ if I am making a mark on this world. I'd like to make some sort of mark, even if it is only a little tiny black scuff.

The thing is, I think life never really turns out the way one expects. It seems everyone starts out in life thinking that they are going to be someone something amazing...but in the end it seems that life always gets in the way.

Life always seems to get in the the way of fun, romance, accomplishments...the business of life is...well before pleasure, right?

I always said I would never be one of those women who lives through their children...I'm not sure that I am totally one of those women...but I am to a great degree. After all, taking care of my children is what I do pretty much all day, every day. It is my "job" to coach them in reaching their goals, remove as many obstacles from their path as I can and boost them over any hurdle they may encounter. So, I take enormous pleasure and a little bit of credit when I see them blossoming into little men and puff up with great pride with each accomplishment.

So, I often I wasting my own life by wanting to encourage the lives that sprang from within me? Perhaps.

But there are only so many hours in a day, a week, a life. If I spend too many hours working on myself, will there be time to work on my children? They are my life. So maybe working on them is equivalent to working on myself.

It suddenly occurs to me that maybe I am not so much living my life through my children but reallocating the dollars of my life into a more viable business. But does that mean I feel that my life - my fruitful life, has pretty much run dry?

Not sure...I don't think I'm dried up...flabby but not dried up.

My eyes feel heavy again. I will try to sleep again. Maybe I will have a nice juicy dream....

1 comment:

E said...

G- Thank you again for your words - always supportive and kind. I guess I go around with a bit of a chip on my shoulder...being this stay-at-home mom was never on my agenda...and although I know this "job" is the most important one, I don't want to be limited to just this identity...I don't want to be one of those people who do nothing but think and talk about their kids...but it's so hard not to when I am so passionate about them (I really am even though I love to joke and be sarcastic about my life with them). I want to be interesting and fun and have accomplishments. I think it's really hard to find people around here with something "more" to contribute to conversations. That's why I really love gets me thinking about things...and feeling less helps me know that there are sensitive, introspective people (like yourself) out there...somewhere...but then I find I often feel so unoriginal and shallow...especially when I read "onewhippedmother"...she is so GREAT! Anyways. You wrote so many interesting things while I was away...things that I totally relate to - like about how your mother messed you up...the dread of seeing your brother... Things I think a lot of people feel but don't really dare to's nice to know that one is not alone in their dark thoughts.

It's sunny but cold today in Boston. I'm taking A+B ice-skating. I used to be figure skater like a million years ago - maybe i can dazzled them with a spin or mommy can do something besides make good PB&J;) XXOO Eileen