Friday, March 24, 2006

More Wisdom from Alex

I just remebered something Alex said...

It happened the other day as we were exiting our car to go to his gymnastics class. The parking spot was a bit tight and another car was wanting to pull into the next spot. Alex had just climbed out of the car as I came around the side to retrieve him. Our car door was still wide open and the other car went ahead and swooped into the narrow spot. It seemed like the car just missed us.

I was so annoyed. I said, "What is her rush - Why couldn't she wait another second for us to get out of the way and close the door." Alex said, "Maybe her little boy needed to pee really bad."

Maybe that's what it was.

Thanks Alex for reminding me not to assume people are give everyone the benefit of a doubt that there is some sense to the lunacy.

Love you kid.

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