Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring has Sprung

It was an amazing day today.

* The sun shone bright and the air felt warm enough to go without a jacket today.

* Brandon, Colin and I took a walk in the woods - a mighty forest where bears hang out and serpants hide in little holes. We walked along a stone wall but we got down before we reached "Chinese". We found a weapon an "ancient" must have dropped while escaping the dragon that lives in the hole in that tree...and climbed to the top of a mountain.

* The bearded irises are poking their way out of the ground. They are the pride of my gardens.

In full bloom they are a glorious mass of violet - victoriously heralding another defeat over winter's wrath. Later the blooms will wither and the plant will concede to serve as backdrop for months of showy summer blossoms. When summer has waned and the flowers have gone, the irises will remain - upright, pointed leaves, standing strong - another summer outmatched - not scorching sun nor dismal drought or little trampling feet, not hungry beatles, wicked weeds and vines could wear them down. When autumn finds itself in full, the irises retire. They'll stow away their summer clothes and sleep until tomorrow.

* Landscaper came by today to give us a bid on lawnmowing for the season...he was a hottie...Zach. Dan asked me what I thought about him...I said we should hire him so I have something nice to look at this summer;) he said, ok. Isn't he great?!

* The boys and I had lunch in the courtyard for the first time this year. Peanut Butter and Jelly snadwiches, blood oranges and milk. Yummm.

* Alex and Brandon found a flower in our garden. A big purple crocus. The first one. They came running into the house - blazing with excitement, urging me to come quickly to see the flower! Brandon wiped out in his excitement but got swiftly to his feet, took my hand and led me to their treasure. They didn't pick the flower as they know I like my flowers to stay in the beds...and the ones for vases I like from the store. But I wouldn't have minded this time if they picked the flower for me.

* Opened the windows all around the house. Out stale air...welcome in fresh clean air.

* Went out for date night...found my new drink ( to replace the cosmopolitan)...chocolate martini.

* Did well on my diet tonight...ceasar salad and eggplant with pasta (I am being sarcastic) dessert.


Anonymous said...

I think I should rethinnk this landscaper. Sounds like a Desperate Housewife show to me.

E said...

To Anonymous: yes...except that I definatly do not look like a Desperate Housewife...although I very often feel like a desperate housewife...hey, come on...I can look at the menu...just can't eat!!!

Hi Gary~ Yessss! Love spring and summer!!! But actually spring is not my favorite season (it is autumn) but I have to say, Spring is the season that I most appreciate as the longer days and new growth are so very welcome after the long, bleakness and cruelty of winter...I kinda' feel like I take the other seasons a little bit for granted...they just kind of creep in and then by the time I'm sure the new season is here, I'm already bored with it...Anyways, Easter Bunny will be here soon...oh great, more candy:p