Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dream Jobs

This is a list from last week.

Dream Jobs
  1. Personal Shopper for a multi-millionaire: Wouldn't that be fun to spend someone else's money?!!
  2. Acclaimed Artist, Acclaimed because I'd like to make a lot of money at it.
  3. Acclaimed Writer - write and get paid for it
  4. Acclaimed Musician - play and get paid for it
  5. Fashion Model: It would be fun to look that great and be paid for it.
  6. One of JLo's fly girls: wouldn't that be fun?!!
  7. Horse Exerciser - I guess I do this but I'd like to make more money doing it
  8. Horse Groomer - ditto
  9. Personal Chef - ditto
  10. Movie Critic - ditto
  11. Restaurant Critic - ditto
  12. Bench Warmer: I don't actually want to play in the game - juts get paid for showing up
  13. The girl in the kissing booth (but only if the booth is at the Gorgeous Guys Gala)
  14. Masseuse to the stars...hot male stars
  15. Make-up Counter Makeover Girl: I would make everyone look hideous - like Mimi from the Drew Carey Show
  16. Perfume Sample girl: "accidentally" spray bitchy snobs in the eyes as they walk by.
  17. Telephone salesperson: But I'd only call other telephone sales people
  18. Paris Hilton: Even though I despise her, it would be fun to be her - thin, beautiful, wealthy, noone has any expectations of her
  19. Angelina Jolie: I love her. I wish I was her. Beautiful, talented, humanitarian...and gets to sleep with Brad Pitt.

That's all folkz! That's what I came up with in 30 Minutes on the Machine.


Jas... said...

[laughing] Make-up Counter Makeover Girl! I liked that one. My dream job would be to work in a garden with a big floppy hat and gloves and make things grow.

[sigh!] Yep.

E said...

I love gardeneing too. What would you be growing?...perhaps something smoke-able???

Jas... said...

Perhaps behind the tomatoes! Mostly herbs and vegetables. Possibly an orchard of fruit trees!