Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Five Minute Excercise

Lilly had this on her blog. The 5 minute excercise - just type everything that comes to mind for 5 minutes. Interesting. I'll give it a whirl and will probably be terribly embarrassed at how empty my head is...

Ok. Here goes. I had to use my microwave to set 5 minutes because I don't have one of those baking timers...I used to use one of those when I was a kid - my mother would set the timer and we would practice piano until it went off...and every few seconds we would turn the dial forward - thinking she wouldn't catch on...and my debbie and i would practice piano at the same time so we would't have to wait for the other to finish practicing before we could play again together...what a I don't know what to type. God - I have nothing going on in my brain...I hope the kids don't come in from outside before my 5 minutes is up. It's cold out there thous......................this is weird. I usually have so much to say - it seems like my head is always a racket of thinking stupid shit and now I can't even think of anything to type................................the pressure - it's too much for me.........wonder if anyone read my blog today - oh yeah - I got some comments - really lilke this girl lilly. She seems so sweet an dyouhng and fragile - reminds me of myself only about - at least 10years younger and way prettier......I guess I'm wondering if Lori read my blog today. Wondering what she thinks of what I wrote. It's funny but I hold her opinion of me in such high regard. It's really important to me that she like me - I'm such a dork. I don't even really know her but I really want her to like me - I guess I just think she is so cool and so intelligent and witty and funny....I wonder what she thinks about my's almost like I want her approval - kinda like when a teacher approves of your work....I guess I jus really admire her and want to be in her group because maybe that would mean I'm interesting and witty and cool too....and nmot so mommy....why do I care what people think about me so much - yesterday there were some ladies at the gymnastics studio - usually they talk about boring stuff - childbirth babies blahh puke - bu tsome ladies were talking about interesting stuff - like thier own lives - skiing, socialisin...oooh - the busser just went off....

But I will finish my thought - wanted so much to be included in their conversation - I felt like I was in high school all over again - what the heck - why am I suddenly writing in italics??!!! Ok - fixed it. No...guess it's fixed. Just wanted to say that the letter "z" is missing from my computer so if you notice a lot of "s" it's because I don't have anything to poke in the "z" - I'm really getting sick of doing that - I think from now on I will just replace wityh s's...
Ok - lets see what I wrote .....

Blah - Puke...but at least I didn't talk about labor and baby poop.


Distant Timbers Echo said...

That is one of the most original posts I have ever seen.


Mind if I try it? Lord only knows how my thoughts connect.

E said...

Can't wait to see it!

E said...

...and I'm a little scared;)

Merle said...

Hi Leenie ~~ That was a very brave post!! I read some of your others also
and you seem to have some fun in your
life with your boys. Like the Date
Nights on Wednesdays.Keep them up.
Thanks for dropping by Herons Nest and
glad you found something funny.
Cheers, Merle.

Greyhound Girl said...

Wow! I love the train of thought flow! Great post- I have gotta try it! Though I am worried about my train of thought derailing!

And I love reading your blog! Thanks for sharing with us...

Ms. Lori said...

Leenie, I hereby award you the Tiara of Coolness. Go ahead, pin it on your head. Heavy, isn't it? And look how the platinum and diamonds contrast against your ebony hair -- lovely!

You wear it well.

E said...

Hi Lori Cakums! Thank you for bestowing this honorable title. That cheered me up. I'm in a little funk - I put a welt in Cody's butt today and feel very bad about it...but he's so damn lazy! he won't pick up the slack until I start beating him with the crop! and then when I jumped down I saw 2 large welts on his butt and for some reason today it really hit me hard...reminded me about the horrible welts I would get when my father would beat the crap out of us...Damn this IS a heavy crown!! I cant even get it on my head never mind pin it to my hair! Let's give it to Jas...did you see his new profile pic? He really is a queen:P

E said...

Oh - I just reread that and feel I need to clarify that Cody is my horse (not one of my darling devilish children whom I would never ever ever lay an angry hand on)...

Distant Timbers Echo said...

I was gonna say something about the Cody thing... but then I read the clarification!

Makes me wish I was Cody.

What's wrong with my profile pic? That's really me. Are you saying I look funny?


E said...

You're a dirty dirty dog! I wear spurs too - big 1 inch spurs! Giddyup!

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Leenie - hold the pickle! (From Lori's blog) Hahahaha!

Oooh, Spurs! Rrrowl.