Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hell Hath No Wrath

It is so beautiful outside - sunny, warm, green.


Maybe I'm hung over. Last night was date night and one of our couple friends joined us for dinner. We had a great time, but drank way too much for a Wednesday night. I could just be burnt out from school vacation week. It has been non-stop, little boy action all week - back-to-back, multiple playdates, sleep overs, and just general running amuck has really worn me down.

But really, I think I'm PMSing.

I am in one of those I hate everyone and everything moods.

Poor Dan. He usually takes the brunt of my crabby moods. It's just that when I get in this state, I can't stand to see him - I just want to rip his face off and stomp on it. It doesn't matter what he is doing. Just being in the same room with me makes me want to shove him aside for "getting in my way". The poor guy could be standing there, minding his own business and I get this unbelievable urge to reach out and wack him for "not doing anything". And gawd forbid if he actually tries to help me with something - it takes every ounce of self-control not to slap him for not doing it "correctly". I'm pretty sure he knows better than to try to touch me when I feel like this. But if he does I'm sure I will scream for him to get his disgusting man hands off of me.

I feel so bad for him.

He just can't win.

It's really best for him to just keep his distance from me until this thing passes. But then I will probably be so enraged that he is ignoring me that I will throw a crazy bitchin tantrum.

Hell hath no wrath as great as that of a PMSing woman.


Distant Timbers Echo said...

You've actually opened my eyes. No one's really ever explained it that way before, that I know of.

Ms. Lori said...

Leenie, I let the cat out of the bag regarding Drunken Bitch week. I know it's supposed to be a secret sisterly type thang, but poor Jas needed an explanation. ;-)

Feel better soon, baby.


Cupcake the Drunken Bitch

Greyhound Girl said...

It must be the alignment of the planets or something. Alaksa should be glad he is 6000 miles away because I would rip his face off, to echo your sentiments. My solution: Drink more and add chocloate. Or hire a nanny and run away while drinking more and adding chocolate.

E said...

Did I scare ya Jas? Guess what - Dan was late coming home last night! But I'm getting a reprieve this morning - going for a ride. So I feel good right now.

Hi Cupcake - I think we should have a Drunken Bitch Convention...and invite Jas.

Professor - Added the chocolate - now I have a zit;) but am feeling better today.

G - I think you m ay be on to something - I have a mood ring - but who the hell remembers what tjhe colors mean?! I only remember if I see a black mood ring - RUN AWAAAAAY! So your nicklace should have a heart for when you feel loving a smiley face for when you feel social and a middle finger for when you feel bitchy. The pendants should be on a chain like what army dog tags are on. It would definatly make reading people a lot easier...

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Yeesh, I was kinda afraid of saying anything on either yours or Lori's blogs! Didn't want to be hit with a coffee cup or anything.

:| <--my silence in the corner.