Saturday, April 08, 2006

A Helping Hand

It is Saturday morning. It is cold and wet outside.

The house is still...very still...

Such a luxury when you have small, tyrannical children. Dan took them all away from the house - they went to soccer practice.

I go outside to smoke a cigarette.

Sitting on my kitchen stoop I see an earth worm slugging along . Chug...chug...chug...little by little... I am fascinated by the rythmic movement of his muscles working to move his body along the concrete stoop.

How can this little body with its thin fragile skin move across the courseness of the concrete without tearing itself to bits.

He appears to have some destination in mind. Hmmm. I think he is trying to find earth...trying to make his way home. I watch him as I inhale slowly, deeply....It's yucky out here...cold and damp...I'm cold...He looks cold. I know. He doesn't feel the cold. He's fine.


I notice he has a little pebble stuck to his body. That looks uncomfortable. That would bother me. It doesn't bother him. Chug...chug...chug...does not deter him from his goal. He is making excellent progress. He is heading in the right direction...toward the edge of the concrete where the ground starts...and home begins.

Suddenly he stops...starts to roll...curling and uncurling until the pebble falls away from his body. He straights himself up and continues on his way. I guess it did bother him.

Again, he stops...arches his head up and looks around. It is as if he senses he has lost his way. Indeed he is now pointed in the wrong direction. He let that pebble distract him from his goal. He takes a moment to reorient himself...

He spies a small clump of dirt nearby and points himself toward it. Chug...chug...chug... When his nose hits the clump he cringes. This is not where he wanted to be.

He looks up again, sees something big and dark lurking just off to the left. He redirects his aim toward it. Chug...chug...chug...

My cigarette is almost gone.

He's going the wrong way.

Should I help him out?

Maybe just a little bit.

Like guidance from the heavens, my hand comes out of the sky and rests barely beside his head. That is not the earth. It is a garbage bag. Go this way. He curls up and stays very still for a bit. Resistance. I take my hand away. When he feels as if I am gone he uncurls and goes back to his goal.

Chug...chug...chug... slugging toward the garbage bag.

He stops.

Looks around as if again unsure that he is going the right way. He looks confused. Head arches up, turns left...turns right...big, dark thing...left...right...left...

So the heavens open up again and down comes the hand...this time with more insistance that he trust. I hold my finger in place, next to his head. You've lost your way and I'm here to help you find it again. Don't be stubborn...Trust me...relax and open yourself up. He is panicing, floundering...

Finally, he relaxes...straigtens himself up and heads for the earth.

My cigarette is finished. I hope he makes it home.


dreaminglily said...

I never knew reading about a worm could be so interesting lol... Makes me wonder if that's what God is like. Reaching down, trying to help us out and we turn our backs, shut Him out, out of fear of giving up control.

You gave me thoughts too deep for a worm lol


E said...

Hi Lilly! I'm weird, aren't I! And I wasn't even dropping acid;) (have never actually tried that)...but I kind of had that feeling too - I mean about God...and then later on that day I went back out to the stop and the worm was gone and so I looked for a trace of the pebble that distracted him and, of course, I couldn't see it amongst the other grit out there...kind of parallels life - things that seem so large and significant at the time, distracting us from seeing/doing what we really should...later when it has all settled and past become insignifant nothings in the big picture...Blah - I am so korney...I better just shut up...chug...chug...chug (not being a worm, I'm drinking a beer;) XXOOE

Anonymous said...

I loved this entry! I agree with Lily - I never thought reading about a worm could be so riveting. I was dying to find out what happened to it in the end! ~DK

Merle said...

Hi Leenie ~~ I enjoyed your worm
story. Nature is amazing isn't it?
Thanks for comments, and yes I'm from the land down under. Glad you got a chuckle. Your boys sound as though they are happy, healthy kids.
Cheers, Merle.

Distant Timbers Echo said...

You know, whenever I cross a worm making its way along the concrete after a rainstorm, I scoop him up and throw him into the nearest patch of green grass because I know the sun will come out soon an bake him.

But reading this, I tend to wonder, does Nature have a plan for this worm? What if he wasn't supposed to be thrown into the grass. What if Nature had intended for this particular worm to bake in the sun. And if so, now that said worm had been thrown in the grass, will Nature falter because the worm that wasn't supposed to be there is now churning the earth again even if it wasn't supposed to? And if this is the case, then why doesn't a giant hole punch through the very fabric of the universe and come about as the end of all things?

Yeesh, I may have inadvertently started the demise of all humanity by tossing that worm into the grass!

[huff huff]

I need a drink.

E said...

Hi Deb! Thanks for reading my blog - I love you!

Hi G! I missed you last week. I'm glad you liked my slimey story...I'm surprised by the positive reaction Ive gotten with this bit - I expected everyone to be like - man, this chic is a total gushy guk...but yes, lots of lessons to be learned if we can just slow down a bit.

Hi Merle! Thanks for poppin in. Nature is awesome - do you live inthe city or the country (outback??)...Oh, one of my boys' favorite movies is Kangaroo Jack.

Jas, Jas, are compassionate...but I hope you wash your hands after touching that worm...and licking your paws and wiping them on your shirt doesn't count. Enjoyed your Deep Thought...

Cupcake, Where are you?!!! I'm having Cupcake withdrawals! hands shaking....eyes burning...having trouble breathing...

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Some call it dirty. I call it a little added spice to the chili.

Ms. Lori said...

"How can this little body with its thin fragile skin move across the courseness of the concrete without tearing itself to bits."

OMG! I've always thought the same thing myself. Great minds...

I love to watch nature while smoking in my backyard. The combination of poisonous chemicals and refreshing, sweet air, hopping robins, and interesting insects is sublime, don't you think? ;-)

You should come visit me in Rochester, and we can smoke and watch nature together. Plus, I'VE GOT BEER!!!!!



E said...

Hi Cupcake - whew! I was having a total meltdown - it's been almost 3 whole days since we "chatted"!! Great minds do think alike! I think we are psychically connected...your blog was about nature today too! fresh air and toxic air are ... bitter sweet!Beer, Cigs?? When?! Where's your house?! I'll bring the bugspray...hate those damn mosquitos - BRUTAL! Of course, that doesn't stop me from going out you have a screened in porch? Oh! I know! How about if we meet in Vegas instead!! - no mosquitoes - you can smoke anywhere you want, awesome clubs for dancing all night and maybe even win a few bucks!

Ms. Lori said...

Vegas sounds good. I've got my ho clothes packed and ready! ;-)