Friday, April 07, 2006

Love/Hate Relationships

Things I Love and Hate at the same time:

Dan: Love him so so much!! Hate that he snores. Thinking we might need seperate rooms...I wonder how he would decorate his room if he had his own room...

Alex, Brandon, Colin: Love that they love to snuggle and cuddle with me. Hate that they fight over who got more snuggles and cuddles.

Dandilions: Hate them because they screw up the lawn. Love it when my kids pick them and blow them into my nosey uptight neighbor's yard.

Staying home with the kids: Love having the priviledge of being with them 24/7. Hate feeling like I'm trapped by them.

Taking Naps: Just Love them! Hate waking up from them! groggy...what time is it...ugh need coffee...Now!

G-String Undies: Love how they make my butt look smooth. Hate how they ride up into my ass...I know...the nature of the beast - the beast is NOT my ass it is the G-string!! You pervert! Stop thinking about my ass!

Yu-Gi-Oh Cards: Love how they keep Alex quiet and busy for a long time. Hate how they are scattered all over the damn place. Also hate how he asks me to read them to him all day long.

Cards: Love home-made cards. Hate store-bought cards. I have boycotted store-bought cards. They are such a rip-off!! If I'm short of kind words I can always just go to the store and do a little plagerising...or ask David Niall Wilson for some verse.

Fresh mown grass: Love the smell and look of it. Hate that there are always toys strewn all over it! One time someone tried to steal our Jeep (the kind that the kids can drive around) neighbor saw them and stopped the theft. Shit! I paid those kids to take the damn thing away so I wouldn't have to push it back into the shed every night!!!

Smell of Babies: Love the way they smell. Hate the way their poopie diapies smell.

Swifter: Love the product - my floors would never get cleaned without it. Hate that I need so many pads to clean my floors...we are filthy mongrels!

My Bed: Love it! Giant, king size bed; romantic wrought iron frame; super soft mattress that envelopes you in luxury; warm, fluffy, down blankets; crisp white sheets (but they usually have a few stains on them...get your head outta the gutter! Pervert! specks of juice or chocolate from the kids!) I want to take a nap! Hate making it! the bed you pervert!

My Bathroom: Love it! Super-feminine; muted pink all around...rose marble floors; victorian double-ended slipper tub; faux aged french country scroll walls; antique mirrors all over about 25 of them...just high enough so that I can't see anything I don't want to be reminded of. Hate cleaning it!...again, the bathroom. God - you really are a dirty old dog!

Cooking: Love whipping up culinary delights and pleasing crowds with my cookin! Hate cleaning up afterwards. Come out from your hiding spot in the bushes...have some dinner but you have to do the dishes.

Excercise: Hate being chained to a excercise machine. Love what it does to my body...but hate the way my body jiggles while I'm on it.

Teletubbies: Love that it keep s Colin perfectly still and quiet for 20 minutes. Hate that they are so creepy.

Talented People: Love them...wish I were them. Hate it when they are conceited about it...or worse, hate when they take it for granted...and even worse, when they waste it away.

Drivers: Love courteous drivers. Thank you for not honking at me and flicking the bird as I swerve onto the sidewalk while turning around to hand my kid a french frie. Hate assholes who yell at me when I hit them while passing french fries into the back seat.

Men's Bodies: Love muscular forearms. Hate gross crusty feet...EVERY man should get a pedicure at least once a month!!!

Women's bodies: Love women who are comfortable in their own skin. Hate women who are conceited about it.

Peanut Butter: Love that first slice into a fresh jar. Hate making 2 million PBJ sandwiches a week.

That's what I came up with in 30 minutes on the Machine.


dreaminglily said...

Very interesting lol I agree on 99% of those.


Professor said...

I love this idea and your list is delightful! Love it!

E said...

Hello my little budding-ski! My oldest son Alex came up when I was viewing you profile and he thinks your very pretty - wants to know if you will babysit;) So which 1% did you not agree with...jus curious:) XOE

Hi Prof. watched that movie about Johnnie Cash last night...and like a week ago I watched that movie called Hussel and Flow about a guy trying to make it as a rapper...really interesting to see where they find inspiration and how life affects their music...have you seen them?

Thanks for popping in girls! No list today - on Sats and sundays I do a lot of work around the barn where I ride so I get my excercise that way...

Merle said...

Hi Leenie ~~ I enjoyed reading this post. And agree with most os your answers. Picking a topic will be
the hard part I should think. Thanks for
entertaining us. Cheers, Merle.

Jas... said...

You know, I never did think about your ass until you gave us that g-string visual. Now I can't get it out of my mind!

It's all your fault, E!

E said...

Jas - Is it scaring you or turning you on farm boy? XOE

Jas... said...

Oh, Leenie hunny. I'm crank started like a Harley Davidson after an oil change!

Got any pictures? Haha!

E said...

You always know just what to say;) Re: pic...actually I've been trying to put my picture on my profile but can't figure the damn thing out. The picture is on my hard drive (I think that's what it's call - it's stored in my computer) but where you post the pictures asks for a URL...I have coined a name for what I am - Technoditz...

Debbie said...

Ha ha - I think it would be scary if Dan got his own room to decorate - but then again it might be cute in that guyish way. Now that we are broken up - Craig is getting so into decorating his own place - a little frightening and only adding to my fear that he is gay. But one look at the way he decorated it is a reassurance that he's probably not - it's nice, nothing tacky or scarey - but so guyish. Nothing that'll make the next issue of Architectural Digest. Anyhow - loved reading the list. Maybe your next 30 minutes can be on the oldie but goodie "What would you do if you hit the lottery and won a Million Bucks?" I'd be curious to see what would be on the "list" :) DK

E said...

Hi Deb! That's a great topic!! will be my next topic...stay-tuned.