Thursday, April 27, 2006

No. Not Now. Not ever again.

Hello Kiddies.

It suddenly occurred to me that there may be several people out there that may be very curious as to the status of my mid-section.

Am I pregers?


Not now.

Not ever again. (Although, now that I said "never" I may have just jinxed myself. I always say, "Never say Never or you Probably Will".


So now. How to keep Pandora's Box sealed tight and locked...

The sure fire-est way, of course, is Abstinence. Not really sure I could stick to this plan though...and am quite certain that Dan will not stick to this better come up with another.

I could send Danno to Doc Snip'it. Does insurance cover that? I'm really not sure. Insurance does not cover diaphrams. I found this out after I had #3 and needed to get a new one. I forget exactly how much it costs...but I had figured out that if I purchased a new diaphram it would be like spending something like $10/use for a year. Sex isn't that exciting anymore...not worth $10 a session (sad, isn't it) I didn't get a new diaphram. I bought a box of condoms.

Condoms. Not really such a terrible option actually. I know. It sounds so high school. But, it's nice and clean...nothing sticky and slimy dripping down my legs later (sorry - I know that's kind of graphic). And, actually, you can turn it into a fun little game of "let's pretend". We can pretend to be horny little teenagers. That might be fun.

But I guess condoms are kind of an inconvenient. So back to the vasectomy. I'm a little worried about psychological repercussions. Dan is very sensitive about his package. I mean, if something goes awry during the little guy...I mean the Big Guy doesn't cooperate, it screws him up for weeks.

I guess I could get my tubes ties...but that would be painful. I've had my abdomen sliced open before. I had a c-section when Alex was born. Not fun. Not fun at all. It makes using your stomach in any way very painful...laughing, coughing, would make yelling at my family really hard. I don't think this will be a good choice. many choices. I wonder if Dan is up for a little game of High School week.


Distant Timbers Echo said...

Ah sex.

It's overrated. It's not as fun as it should be most of the time and usually just ends up being a lot of work for a few seconds of something you can get from eating a few Hershey's Kisses.

What's wrong with masturbation? Same thing without the sweat. Quicker too.

E said...

Hi Jas! Come one big is not's just not well-done very often...especially after years of marriage. It's hard to get turned on by someone you've heard burp, smelled fart and seen vomit a billion times. BUt I have to say, every once in a while, if Dan sneaks in a sly touch, unexpectedly...nothing slimey...just the excuse of a hand resting on my waist as he squeezes by a space large enough for an elephant is enough to get the motor started. I think a lot of the greatness in sex is the feeling of being desireable and desiring...but then again, I'm a girl and guys think about sex a lot differetly than girls. Surprise your beautiful but stressed wife with a contrived excuse to touch might be pleasantly surprised...

Distant Timbers Echo said...

Oh I do that with her all the time. Don't get me wrong. I just don't find much joy in it I guess! To me it's a lot of work, a lot of pressure to make her happy, and the end never justifies the means. I'd personally be happy never doing it again. This drives her nuts, though, so I try not to elude to that at all if I can help it, so that she does feel desireable. I just keep silent and go through the motions, surprising her here and there with new things or touches. But it mostly remains a chore to me.

Ms. Lori said...

Leenie, the snip is the way to go. Lar was terrified, but after he finally went through with it, couldn't believe how easy peasy it was (the stuff I wrote on my blog was no bull -- he really did want sex THAT VERY DAY!) and it's inexpensive. So I'm happy, he's VERY happy, and it just makes sense. Best thing a man can do for his marriage.

E said...

Hi Cupcake! Dan actually really wants to get the V...but to be honest I don't know if I want him to get seems so permanent. But I really don't want to worry about getting pregnant the way, Dan thinks you're hysterical...I';ve been sending him to your blog to read stuff. You guys are so on the same page! Luv ya! XXOO-E