Once upon a time I was young and gorgeous and sexy. It was a time when guys followed me in herds and competed to gain my attention. But I didn't care about the herds. I loved one guy and he loved me.
Once upon a time he couldn't take his eyes off of me. He thought I was the most amazing woman on earth. Now when he looks at me it feel like he's looking past me. He seems to be focused on something else..........
Once upon a time I caught him looking at me and I knew that he was thinking how amazingly beautiful and perfectly perfect and wonderful he thought I was. Now it's rare to catch him looking. But when I do I wonder, "What is he thinking about...is he thinking how out of shape I've gotten...or maybe he's worried about money. Is he thinking about how messy the house is...or is he just trying to shut it all out."
Once upon a time he thought I was intelligent and cultured and funny. I don't remember what we talked about but our conversations were great. We could talk forever. Now our coversations revolve around children, the house or finances...and then there are those tension filled stretches of silence when we are too irritable to say anything.
Once upon a time he was proud of my talents - I was an accomplished pianist, a budding artist, an exciting dancer. Now I wash dirty dishes, dirty laundry and dirty little bottoms. I wash fingerprints off just cleaned floors and footprints off the walls. I am very good at washing - but he doesn't notice.
Once upon a time he couldn't keep his hands off of me. Even the slightest touch sent delicious waves of excitement through my body. We spent days rolling around in bed and nights grinding to heavy beats at clubs. Now we sleep next to each other and try not to touch. We spend days pursuing other people's dreams and nights too tired to do anything.
Once upon a time he would spend his time desiring me, whooing me and making plans for how to capture me. Now he spends time figuring out how to pay for me.
Once upon a time he made me swoon. My mind was consumed with thoughts of him. My heart overflowed with adoration for him. My step was so light it was like walking on air. Now my mind is racing with time - trying to keep track of it all. My heart?...it beats...HARD...from anxiety and stress. And my shoes - they feel like lead. I'm exhausted by hectic schedules, demanding children and especially by the mundane boringness of my days.
The thing is...Life gets in the way. It gets in the way of doing what we really want to do, feeling how we really should feel and seeing what we really ought to see. The business of everyday has a way of jading us - desensitizing us to nuances that once evoked powerful responses - smells, sensations, tastes, sounds...fine, delectable details...
So...He brings home the bacon and helps clear the mess. He run errands for me and takes the kids from the house. He's thoughtful, generous and dependable...solid, strong, and willing. He's truly the best husband ever. But...
I miss the guy that made me swoon and I wonder if he misses me.
Dan, want to run away? Maybe for a day...we can just lay around in bed. I'll nuzzle my face in the soft, golden hairs on your chest...and inhale....inhale...inhale...Mmmmm.
Roses smell good...but you smell better.
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It definitely makes one think about it all...
You're saying what everybody else thinks at one time or another. How can we find that one spark that made us fascinated with our loved one in the first place? How can we get that back?
Something I complain about my parents. They never spend time together, just them. No dating. You should go on a date, leave everything behind for a night (or day and night lol) and just enjoy each other. Good medicine for the soul.
Hi Jas! Ugh! You gotta replace that Nap'ln Dyno pic! Everytime I see it!!.... By the way, I heard a rumor that you are a cross dressing swinger...any truth to that? Anyways...I still thinks your f-i-n-e Fine. Yeah...it's really one of life's ironies...the way things becoe ordinary...not just in love...also, especially with kids...right now they drive me bonkers and I find myself wanting to run and hide the second Dan walks in the door...but I know one day soon the boys will stop begging for my attention and I will be begging for theirs...and then their's food - you know how the first taste of something good is so amazing and slowly you become accustomed to the taste, smells - favorite perfume that you stop being able to smell on yourself unless you put your nose right up to it...blah blah blah...
Maybe over time I will get used to that Nap Dyn pic and stop seeing it;P
Hi Lilly~ Thanks for vising me. You are such a lovely girl - both in spirit and in appearance. You will have to write more about your budding love and life...I'm jaded and need someone to live vicariously...and you can can live motherhood vicariously through me so you don't ruin your girlish figure;) Dan and I actually go out on a date every Weds. - we call it "date night"...definatly a great thing I recommend it to all couples with young children!! time to reconnect without being interrupted...but even date night is starting to lose its excitement...but still won't give it up - love my Weds night martinis and fine food with my guy.
I love this post, Leenie. So honest and vulnerable and, well, I WISH YOU WERE MY NEIGHBOR!
If'n you ever want to talk with someone who's been there (and still is), please e-mail me (you can find it in my profile.).
Hugs a bunch.
Cross dressing swinger? There was only that one incident involving the giant ranch-dressing coated cross from the First Baptist and the playground equipment, but you can't prove anything!
Okay, I'll change my Profile photo for ya! Do you prefer the fat-guy at the PC pic or the one with the long red hair that desperately needs combing? Or maybe the Michael Jackson-as-the-werewolf-from-Thriller pic?
Thank you Lori!!! I'm like a school girl seeking approval from her teacher when it comes to you and my writing -- gush gush...hee hee you wish I was your neighbor...blush...you would hate my neighborhood...so I decided to move to your...look outside your window - see that creepy girl in the bushes?? Luvya girlfrand! -E
Jas - I think I like your real pic...but I was a little nervous when you sent me the guy at the computer becuase i wasn't sure if maybe that was really you...but in case it is really you that 's ok too...and about that rumor - ummmm...hey swifty, didn't you just admit to that one thing??!! in writing??? but I'll cover for ya if some one comes'a knockin'
P.S. Kraft mac-n-chees for din din tonight and I didn't see ya in the bushes.,...
Sorry, your neighbor was makin' fried chicken, and you should never get 'tween a redneck and his chicken!
No, the fat guy wasn't actually me. I did that for shock value. If you ever saw the real me you'd wonder why the Sci-Fi Channel hasn't yet made a documentary on my life!
What an evocative posting... it's so true - we get caught up in the daily grind of life and forget the "simple" things that once brought such pleasure... ~DK
"Hi Lilly~ Thanks for vising me. You are such a lovely girl - both in spirit and in appearance. You will have to write more about your budding love and life...I'm jaded and need someone to live vicariously...and you can can live motherhood vicariously through me so you don't ruin your girlish figure;) Dan and I actually go out on a date every Weds. - we call it "date night"...definatly a great thing I recommend it to all couples with young children!! time to reconnect without being interrupted...but even date night is starting to lose its excitement...but still won't give it up - love my Weds night martinis and fine food with my guy."
Haha, deal lol I don't mind getting all mushy over you being a mom lol And I'm not quite ready to be one, so that works out fine lol Plus, I love to gush over Will and no one really lets me do that lol :o/
And thanks so much for the compliment. You're so sweet. I'm really glad I found your journal, I love reading.
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