The topic of the day:
Things I Would Like to Do
- Do a stint in the Peace Corps
- Ride a donkey down the Grand Canyon: I doubt I will ever actually work up the nerves to do this as I am very afraid of heights, slipping off cliffs and have personally experienced how clumsy horses can be (even though I know donkies are different than horses they look the same to my, just I think the little guy would slip off the trail just to get my fat ass ofzf of him). Go on a cross-country road trip and hit all the landmarks including the Grand Canyon, Graceland and the Museum of Theoretical Horrors.
- Drink myself through Wine Country
- Drink myself through Beer Country
- Drink myself through Disney World (Oh, already did that one)
- Dive off a waterfall (Doubt I would ever have the nerves to do this)
- Make love in some really romantic place - like a secret lagoon
- Help and under-priveledged child: Take an under-priveledged, needy child into my home and heart. I really like the idea of giving a child with a bleak future a bright one, but don't know if I really have it in me. Plus, I don't think Dan would want to do it...and I think it costs a lot of money to adopt
- Sleep through the night: I can't even remember when I last slept through the night - more than 1 night in a row.
- Organize a Family Exchange: I would like to organize a direct exchange between families that have a lot of stuff and families that have nothing. For families with stuff to give (like well worn clothes, toys, furniture, etc) them to families that need help. I'd like to pair up families with another specific family of similar structure (except maybe the children would be little younger so that they can wear the handed down clothing). People in my circle tend to have too much stuff anzd grow tired of the stuff they have very quickly. I think they would like to give it to someone who will put it to good use but don't know who and don't want to give ity to Salvation Army because they just sell it off. I think people don't like to give the stuff that they spent their own hard earned money on to some unknown destination. I think if people had a specific family with names and faces they would be very generous and perhaps find themselves being more generous. The only thing is that I don't know how to find families that are not too proud to be a part of this kind of charity...and also if there will be all sorts of legal crap to weed through. Just want it to be simple and easy and helpful.
- Fly First Class
- Win Megabucks
- Be a contestant on Survivor (and win)
- Do a hunter pace and take All the jumps
- Take a cross-country riding trip with the boys and Dan (but Dan is very allergic to horses)
- Go on an African safari
- Learn to ballroom dance with Antonio Banderas
- Make out with Brad Pitt
- Meet Angelina Jolie and become her friend
- Tell Paris Hilton what a ridiculous, frivolous waste of beauty and wealth she is and see her actually Do something useful with her life.
That's it folks. That's what I came up with in 30 Minutes on the Machine.
How about take a cross country riding trip across Africa with Angelina Jolie on the back of Brad Pitt?
I love this list! There are lots of things on your list that are on mine. And i sent you an email about a few of them too! I love this blog- it keeps me smiling and thinking!
Yahoo!! Giddyup!!! Cannot stop smiling and laughin g at this one!! Luv ya Jas!
Thanks Prof. Looking forward to reading your list. -E
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