After my last, depressing list, I decided to lighten things up a bit.
The topic of the day...drum roll please.....
Things to do with a Vacuum Cleaner
- Suck up crumbs: Obvious
- Bring the hamster out of hiding: We found a few days after we lost him. My mother actually swookped down and caught him. This was really surprising because my mother is dainty, little Korean lady. I don't ever remember her touching a worm or spider or anything remotely crawly. But I guess when the grandkids are involved she will do just about anything to please them. Thanks mommy. But Loco escaped again. This time, it was the vacuum cleaner that brought him out of hiding. I was vacuuming and when I got close to his hiding spot he scurried out. Thank Gawd I didn't suck him up!
- Terrorize the dog: Blake is not the stand up and defend yourself type. He is the run away with tail between his legs type. But it's still good for a laugh. Shut up! I know you've done it before too!
- Excercise the Children: On a dreary rainy day they can get kind of lazy. If I tell them I'm going to suck up their toes, they get up and run around like crazy. Shut up! I know you've all done this one too!
- Get the children to pick up their toys: Threatening to suck up their toys really gets them moving...but today Alex said he will just slice open the vacauum cleaner and retrieve his toys. Damn!
- Suck up Cheerios
- Occupy the baby: So I can play the computer
- Stop Cholic: Alex was horribly cholicky as a newborn. So out of desperation we finally decided to try this vacuum cleaner trick that we heard about. It worked! We left the vacuum cleaner running for hours on end for 4 months - we actually burned a hole in the carpet once...but it was soooooo worth it!
- Suck up ice cream sprinkles
- Enjoy the vibe: I have never actually tried this but it makes a nice vibration that I imagine might be nice if desperate times should arise
- Coat Rack
- Will cover for you: When you haven't been productive take it out of storage and leave it in the living room so it looks like you did some cleaning
- Will defend you: Always leave it out so when people drop in unexpectedly and your house is a mess they will see the vacuum cleaner and assume that you do clean your house sometimes
- Excercise: I don't care what the doctor says, I work a good sweat vacuuming
- Suck up spiders: I hate the tckick sound it makes when you squich them
That's what I came up with in 30 Minutes on the Machine...not very impressive, is it?
"Bring the hamster out of hiding"
Sheesh, for a moment there, I thought he got sucked up! Talk about morbid! But he didn't. I chase my cat all over the house with the vacume because I think it's funny. Hahaha ha ha ha.
And you call ME perverse! I'm just kidding! Actually, I'd be the type to add attachments of choice! Rrrowl!
How about for a topic: Things to do with a bag of wet mice? That might make for some interesting reading!
Hey! I sid I haven't actually tried the vibe...yet...
Attachments? We have all sorts'attachermints for this here gadget...and you can even rigger up tp blow air out instead of suck air in!
Wet mice? Yikes! To scary for me but I will look for that list in your blog tomorrow.
Using the vacuum cleaner as a prop - hahaha:) I can see you have a very close and intimate relationship - probably one of your love/hate relationships - with your vacuum cleaner ;) ~DK
Hi Debbie-duski~ Yes - love/hate...mostly hate. Today the house is covered with that stupid fake grass stuff that we always put in the easter baskets. I want to hunt down the person who invented that crap and stuff it up his/her @#^$@#^...Time to break out by Pal Kirby...nothing special for Easter today besides the morning hunt/chaos. Kids are all coked up on sugar...spent a very un[productive morning at the barn snuggling and spoiling the horsies.
Love you and miss you...holidays are just not the same without you. XXOOE
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