Thursday, December 06, 2007

Ignorance as Bliss

I am perched at the pinnacle of change. But there's a big big drop on every side and the valley is too wide to see what's at the top of the next steep climb.

I wish I was a bird so I could fly fly away. I would soar above the peaks and see exactly where all the pathways lead. Hindsight and foresight would be 20/20...or whatever number a birds-eye vision is. If I were a bird I could choose where I wanted to land knowing what was behind me and also what lay ahead.

I wish I was a barnacle stuck to the side of a seaside rock. I could predict the rhythm of every day with as much accuracy as the changing of the moon...I could be exactly as I am and if anyone stepped on me they woud just get cut by their own fault.

I wish I was a mirror so when people looked at me they would catch a glimpse of themselves with all the faults of their own humanity. And if they couldn't stand it and broke me to pieces then they would cut themselves on themselves.

I wish I was a whisper of a gentle breeze floating across the Caribbean landscape in an exotic resort. Then I could lull lovers closer together and whoosh the real world further away.

I wish I was ignorant to all my flaws and to all the people around me. Then I could just be peaceful with ignorance as bliss.

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