Thursday, March 23, 2006

Belligerent Bitch

I am having insomnia and restless legs again...actually it should be the other way around...restless legs that results in insomnia...I took a sleeping pill...doesn't seem to be working...

So, I logged onto my computer, checked my emails, and checked in on some of my favorite blogs.

Much to my surprise I found that someone is angry with me. It was regarding a comment to her comment to a blog entry.

If anyone knows me well, they know that I am deeply affected when I offend or displease people...Luckily I don't have the slightest idea who the offended party is so I guess I won't dwell on it too much...or maybe that will only make it worse because I feel I can't work this out in private...but I have a feeling this would just turn into an ugly battle of words and I could never get it through her thick skull (yes an assumption based on what I've read thus far of her) that I didn't assume much...But I have a feeling this person really doesn't care too much anyways...

But it is plaguing me at this moment...because I didn't set out to offend her but set out with the most sincere intention of letting her know that she was not alone in what she felt...but she got mad at me for "assuming" that I could possibly know what she or anyone else in this world might feel. Well, I was NOT assuming that I knew how she "Felt" but merely saying that I can identify with her dilema as I too experienced similar type of prejudice...and also know someone very close and dear to me who experiences this type of prejudice and has difficulty in finding ways of overcoming it.

I don't know why I am letting this bother seems pretty clear to me that this person has a rather large chip on her shoulder...really feels alone in this world as she can't imagine that anyone else could possibly identify with her, even in this silly little way...and is quite unforgiving...

I guess I should just feel sad for her...actually...fuck that...I think she is a belligerent bitch.


Anonymous said...

It's a shame and rather hypocritical that this woman who is being hurt by the narrow-minded ways of some folks - is herself very small-minded...~DK

E said...

Thank you...exactly my point. -E