Ms. Lori is one sneaky little bugger. She got tagged with "Four Things" and posted her answers in her Blog...I opened it so now I am tagged and obligated to respond (I am very superstitious). if you read her Blog - beware!
...and if you are reading this...
TAG! You're It!
Four jobs you have had in your life:
1) Counter waitress at a donut shop and at McDonald's
2) Miller Beer girl - the cheesy ones that are in bars
3) Competitive Business Analyst in financial services industry
4) Interior decorator and mural artist
Four movies you would watch over and over:
1) Far and Away
2) Legends of the Fall
3) The Red Violin
4) Moulin Rouge
(Basically anything romantic on an epic scale)
Four places you have lived:
1) Tewksbury
2) Boston
3) Georgetown
4) in my thoughts
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1) Survivor
2) The Office
3) Sex and the City reruns
4) Cooking shows - especially if they have Julia Childs in them (God rest her soul...I just get a kick out of her...the way she fuddles around the kitchen sort of babbling and blubbering about cooking and in the end everything's so amazing. Bon Appetite!)
Four places you have been on vacation:
1) Costa Rica (the hottest place in the world!! It was blistering hot!!!)
2) Bermuda (expensivest place in the world)
3) Dominican Republic (friendliest place in the world)
4) Disney Hell (evilist place in the world)
Four websites I visit daily
4) My favorite Blogs, which I wish I could blogroll but I am a techniditz and can't figure out how even though the directions appear be quite straight-forward.
Four of my favorite foods:
1) Pizza, extra cheesy, extra greasy with nice cold brews!!!! many of them!
2) Korean food
3) Practically anything fried
4) Anything anyone else prepares for me
Four places I would rather be right now:
1) In bed...uhm, napping
2) Riding...or just hangin' with the horsies
3) In the top 1% income bracket
4) Hanging out with good friends, drinking and shootin' the shit.
Four things I always carry with me:
1) My wallet - one small enough to stuff in my back pocket with only essentials (a few bucks, credit card, insurance cards, license)
2) cell phone (although it's not always on - which drives people crazy)
3) chewing gum
4) My sense of humor and a good dose of sarcasm.
Friday, March 31, 2006
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I thought that I liked you, Leenie, and then I read that Moulin Rouge is one of your favorite movies. I now despise your very existence.
Okay, not really...But I freaking HATE that movie! HATE IT! DO YOU HEAR ME?! HAAAAATE IT!!!!!!!!!
Whew. You're lucky I'm on my fifth beer or you'd really hear me bitch. ;-)
Your love of Ms. Julia, however, redeems you.
How can you hate Moulin Rouge??? It's so romantic and Nicole Kidman is so gorgeous...and I love how the film takes all those old pop hits and reconstitutes them as if they were the playwrite's own ideas...and the cinematography - they way the camera moves so you feel like you are swirling in another, mysterious world...the lighting, costumes, make-up, choreography... Ok...maybe I'm a little geeky - but I'm ok with that...still be my fwend??? Pweez....
I'm going to go watch "Memoires of a Geisha Girl" now...LOOOVE the book...will see if the movie meets it even half way. Will let you know...hmmm...
The movie was ok...the scenary was really beautiful...lots of sweeping panoramic visions of mystical japanese landscape...but I think a lot of the poetry that was so beautiful in the book was lost...still if you haven't read the book the film would probably have seemed much better - somehow the story seemed less extraordinary on film than in text...I guess I was disappointed.
Leenie, I have nothing further to say on the subject of Molin Rouge...Well, except maybe:
IT SUCKS!!!!!!!! ;-)
Anyway, I really want to see Geisha, and I do have the book, given to me by a good friend, but haven't had a chance to read it.
And of COURSE I'll still be your friend! I think you're pretty damn awesome.
I wish I could come up with a witty come back saying that something about you was less than cool --- but Shit! are so freakin cool!!! Damn you! ~~~~~ I hope you get a zit;) XXOO-E
I wish I could come up with a witty come back saying that something about you was less than cool --- but Shit! are so freakin cool!!! Damn you! ~~~~~ I hope you get a zit;) XXOO-E
Ms. Lori, what is this intense emotion against Moulin Rouge? I loved it! Right up 'til the end when she died. But, what're ya gonna do?
Leenie - I loved that list! I'm gonna try it myself. Look out for it in the next couple of days.
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