Thursday, March 16, 2006

Reliving the Nightmare

I don't know what's wrong with me. I cannot stop reliving the nightmare of last week's Disney experience. I'm really trying to put it behind me...I even made a Blog entry about something other than Disney in an effort to re-track my thought process. But my mind just keeps drifting back to that horrible week. It's kind of like after a woman gives birth. She keeps re-playing and re-playing the events of the birthing process over and over...thinking about it...talking about it -in excruciating moment to excruciating moment detail. It's like they just can't belive that they experienced something so painful and they can't believe they survived it. I just keep replaying Disney Hell, over and over, trying to analyse and dissect the events to figure out how it is that I survived this trauma.

...I am going to bed now...I hope I don't dream about it...

1 comment:

E said... make me smile too..I am trying to sleep right now - am a terrible insonniac - am hungry but I have to take a fasting blood test tomorrow - so I can't eat - I guess that's good for my diet...was glad to see your email...